Windows 11 OSC not sending to External Device


Firstly a disclaimer: Suuuuuper new to SonicPi (but absolutely loving it). So sorry if this has been resolved before but I can’t find any definitive answers.

I’m trying to send OSC messages from Sonic Pi to an external device via LAN. Specifically from my Windows 11 laptop to an ETC ColorSource 20 AV lighting console.

I can ping the console in Command Prompt and also successfully send it osc commands from there too. But when I try send the same commands from SP they don’t seem t get through.

For clarity the goal is to convert MIDI input into OSC output so that an M-Live Beat Pro 16 can trigger playbacks automatically. Eventually this will happen off a raspberry Pi but I was hoping to work out the details on my laptop first.

Interestingly the MIDI-OSC code seems to be working great. I just can’t get it through to the ColorSource console.

Any pointers would be Hugely appreciated.

I think you might need to enable “Allow OSC from other computers” in the IO preferences, even just for sending OSC to other computers/devices (at least I’ve noticed that in the past, I don’t know if it’s still the case).
If it’s not that, have you checked if you have a firewall enabled that could be blocking it?

Hi emlyn

So “Allow OSC from other computers” was already enabled.

I had the same thought about the firewall so took a look. SP doesn’t even show up as an app that you can grant permissions to. Should I be looking for something else?

I’m not sure about the details as I use MacOS, but I believe it’s the ERL.exe process that opens the port, don’t know if that helps.

Thanks I’ll check it out. In the meantime I transferred the file to a Raspberry Pi and got it running perfectly. :slight_smile:

I even managed to get SP to run on boot and for the code to initialise. So theoretically all someone had to do is plug the pi in and it should work.

(I know all this is probably pretty basic for others but it makes me super excited that I managed to get it right as my first proper project)

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