Project to interface Scratch3 on a Pi4 to Sonic Pi. A scratch3 keyboard drives Sonic Pi. Associated article and links to all the software below the video.
Software link here too
Project to interface Scratch3 on a Pi4 to Sonic Pi. A scratch3 keyboard drives Sonic Pi. Associated article and links to all the software below the video.
Software link here too
Hey @robin.newman.
Sorry for bothering you again with this. I just been out for more then a few weeks.
And I want to start my osc loop project again.
Is it possible to dumb the example down to just a number of osc loops and how to connect them in a real time live loop?
Or did I miss some documentation on how the script works?
Hope I don’t come over as lazy but it’s hard to figure some stuff out if sonic pi is not the main aspect of my project but a tool to generate sound. Especially when it’s combined with osc…
Thanks again!!!
Did you read the article? That gives some explanation of the software.
I’m going thru it as we speak. But I’m getting confused with the scratch involvement.
As I am pretty sure I don’t need it. I just need a loop (in python) to send 1 - 7 and sonic pi to interpret this as sample 1 to 7.
So I pulled out groove1 and groove2 of your code.
The part for the button board is unnecessary for me but seems to be intertwined with the code? Could be mistaken here?
when 18 & 19 is important for the :flag correct?
#Sonic Pi Scratch3 interface by Robin Newman, May 2020
#two programs. Uncomment one section OR the other at a time
#first section sets Sonic PI as a keyboard instrument with dsaw synth
#second section has selectors to play sample groups, chords and two sample sub programs
use_osc "localhost",8000
#osc "/testprint","hello there"
osc "/start",0
set :flag,true
live_loop :waitReset do
r = sync "/osc*/reset"
set :flag,false
osc "/start",1
live_loop :test2 do
k= sync "/osc*/playOn"
if get(:flag) == true
puts p
case p
when 0
z=sample (sample_names sample_groups[0]).choose
when 1
z=sample (sample_names sample_groups[1]).choose
when 2
z=sample (sample_names sample_groups[2]).choose
when 3
z=sample (sample_names sample_groups[3]).choose
when 4
z=sample (sample_names sample_groups[4]).choose
when 5
z=sample (sample_names sample_groups[5]).choose
when 6
z=sample (sample_names sample_groups[6]).choose
when 18
set :kill,false #flag used for killing groove1
when 19
set :kill2,false #flag ued for killinggroove2
puts p
k=sync "/osc*/playOff"
if k[0]<18 #keys that handle stamples
control z,amp: 0,amp_slide: 0.05
sleep 0.05
kill z #kill smple after quick fade
if k[0]==18 #keys that start live loop functions
set :kill,true #kill groove1
if k[0]==19 #keys that start live loop functions
set :kill2,true #kill groove2
I’ll take a look at it and then post a cut down version below…
EDITED here is a cut down sonic pi progarm which will work with the other two files (scratch and python scripts) and will work with the first 7 keys. (You can adapt for more or less. You can delete the key “blobs” you don’t need/want from the scratch script).
I suggest you leave the python script as is, although it could be modified for fewer keys.
Change the samples in the Sonic Pi program for whatever samples you want.
#Sonic Pi Scratch3 interface by Robin Newman, May 2020 amended Aug 2020
#plays one of 7 samples using the first 7 key "blobs" on the scratch interface.
use_osc "localhost",8000
#osc "/testprint","hello there"
osc "/start",0
set :flag,true
live_loop :waitReset do
r = sync "/osc*/reset"
set :flag,false
osc "/start",1
with_fx :reverb,room: 0.8,mix: 0.7 do
live_loop :test2 do
k= sync "/osc*/playOn"
if get(:flag) == true
puts p
if p<7
z = sample [:bd_haus,:loop_amen,:loop_garzul, :loop_mika, :loop_tabla,:loop_electric,:loop_perc1][p]
k=sync "/osc*/playOff"
control z,amp: 0,amp_slide: 0.05
sleep 0.05
kill z #kill sample after quick fade