I did a Drum Pad Kit in Python using Sonic Pi's OSC messages


I made this project for my Master of Science and I published it on my Github, you can check it if you want:

Basically, you’ll be able to play patterns with a grid interface, allowing you to play live. And once you’ve got something you’re happy with, you can generate the Sonic Pi code and put it into the editor. It’s not perfect and could be improved, but it can help to better understand Sonic Pi code. Feel free to create a more advanced version if you feel like it, it would be great to see new projects come out of this one.
Check out the Read.me for more information, I’ve tried to put in lots of details so you don’t get lost.

Thanks to all


Nice one! It sounds like a useful app. Do you have a visual you could post? I’m not experienced in Python but interested in interactives.

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Thanks, yes I can give you a visual. It’s not that good looking, but I am not a designer and just wanted the features more than the design.

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Thanks for sharing this @spacemac - nice work! The step of exporting to Sonic Pi code is interesting - helpful for people seeing the relationship between music interfaces and code.