Hi friends,
I have written a small python script to generate drum patterns in sonic pi:
import numpy as np
import random
M = 4 # four instruments at a time
N = 16 #2 measures of 4/4
for k in range(100):
with open(r'drums\random_patterns\d{0}.rb'.format(str(k+1).zfill(3)),'w') as FF:
#give folder name of your choice
table = np.zeros((M,N),dtype="int64")
prob = np.array([[0.7,0.3],[0.8,0.1],[0.7,0.3],[0.5,0.5]])
for i in range(M):
cols = np.array(random.choices([0,1],list(prob[i,:]),k=N))
table[i,:] = cols
ind = np.where(table[:,0] == 1)
if np.size(ind) == 0:
table[0][0] = 1
for i in range(N):
c = table[:,i]
ind = np.where(table[:,i] == 1)
if np.size(ind) > 2:
for j in ind[0][2:np.shape(ind)[1]]:
#print("j = ",j)
table[j,i] = 0
dct = {"CY" : "sample :drum_cymbal_closed if CY.look == 1",
"CH" : "sample :drum_cymbal_closed if CH.look == 1",
"HT" : "sample :drum_tom_hi_soft if HT.look == 1",
"MT" : "sample :drum_tom_mid_hard if MT.look == 1",
"RS" : """sample :drum_snare_hard if RS.look == 1
\tsample :drum_cymbal_closed if RS.look == 1""",
"LT" : "sample :drum_tom_lo_hard if LT.look == 1",
"BD" : "sample :drum_bass_hard if BD.look == 1",
'Cymbal' : "sample :drum_cymbal_open if Cymbal.look == 1",
"SN" : "sample :drum_snare_soft if SN.look == 1",
'CB' : 'sample :drum_cowbell if CB.look == 1',
'OH' : "sample :drum_cymbal_open if OH.look == 1",
'CL' : 'sample "clap (1).wav" if CL.look == 1',
'Tambourine' : 'sample "tambourine-bright.wav" if Tambourine.look == 1',
'SH' : 'sample "shaker.wav" if SH.look == 1'}
"""BD Bass Drum SN Snare LT Low Tom RS Rimshot MT Medium Tom CB Cowbell HT High Tom CY Cymbal CL Hand Clap OH Open High Hat SH Shaker CH Closed High Hat """
instruments = random.sample(sorted(dct.keys()),M)
body = ""
FF.write("use_bpm 180\n\n")
for i,instr in enumerate(instruments):
pattern = ",".join([str(x) for x in table[i]])
FF.write(instr + " = [" + pattern+"]\n")
body = body + dct[instr] + "\n"
liveloop = """\nlive_loop :pattern do \n\t tick \n\t\t{0}\n\n\t\tsleep 0.5\nend\n""".format(body)
github : drumpatterns/random_drum_pattern_generation.py at main · vinodpkd/drumpatterns · GitHub
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