Recording Louder then Sound In Sonic Pi

Hey there, I have been doing some digging, and haven’t quite come up with an answer to this question.

I am working on making a Memphis Phonk beat. Here is some sample Code. Just loops the sample, plays at an amp of 1, and doing a little cutting of the sample since I needed a bit of precision. Also, some fading in and out.


I can provide the sample if I need to. Here is the end result. I have not done any editing post-recording. WARNING: Kind of Loud

End Result

In this recording, it sounds like it was run through some sort of compressor or something during the process, because this is painful at my current volume to listen to, but it wasn’t when I was recording it.

Trying to account for other variables, like sample volume or something like that , I just did a simple beep.

Try this test yourself. I run this in sonic pi, and it is loud, but not painful. No amp control, nothing.

play 74
sleep 1
play 75
sleep 1

When I record though, the sound sounds amplified at least 2x. It is painful. WARNING: Loud
Beep Test

I am completely stumped. I want to do everything in sonic pi if possible. I have seen people saying they record and then do postprocessing in something like Audacity, but I want to try and keep my workflow inside of sonic pi as much as possible, outside of the initial manipulation of samples.

Thank you in advance for any help you can give me!

-I did try to mess around with mixer settings in a previous track before I had messed around with chunking and ticking. I did some commands like

set_mixer_control! amp: 0, amp_slide: 24

-I did run reset_mixer! to try and fix this issue
-I did not see any noticable difference when it was reset.
-I am feeling the issue has something to do with these mixer settings that I am just not getting.