Find/replace in the editor?

I’m brand new to Sonic Pi and am using it on Windows 10. I can’t find some of the basic programming editor commands like find and replace. How do these work? Thank you!


Not available in the sonic pi editor.
Some use vscode with a sonicpi server version.

edit : VS Code extension


The lack of find/replace is a serious problem. Are there any plans to implement those commands in Sonic Pi? Regardless of whether they are implemented as shortcut keys, buttons, or menu options, they need to be there.

yep but life is life. I presume there is no easy solution to implement that feature.

I’m definitely not against the idea, it’s just not something I have significant motivation to work on at this point - there are lots of other things I’d like to work on.

However, if someone wants to take this on, I’d be very happy to discuss implementation/design ideas and to consider pull requests. For those interested, it would require C++/Qt work to be implemented.


is this a way to get this ?

Yes, for this feature to be implemented into the current GUI would require working with Qt and C++.

It’s definitely possible, and not likely to be too tricky for someone familiar with Qt. However, care would have to be taken to ensure any implementation fits Sonic Pi’s overall design. For example, I would prefer not to have any additional new windows popup - rather something within the current main window.