Hi There
Out now a call for application for expert in live coding with Sonic PI. The call is issued by INDIRE (an Italian governmental agency for innovation in education) and Tempo Reale (a music research centre based in Florence, Italy) and looks for application from experts in live coding with Sonic Pi. The expert selected will be asked to design and conduct a course for middle-school teachers for introducing students to coding and develop their skills in this field. This is a paid position. Italian knowledge is requested.
More information at the following link: https://www.indire.it/bando-concorso/selezione-pubblica-professionali-finalizzata-alla-predisposizione-di-una-graduatoria-per-il-profilo-di-esperto-di-live-coding-musicale-ai-fini-di-formare-docenti-di-musica-della-scuola-secondaria-di/
Giovanni Mori