Would this be possible to do?

So if I load external samples into Sonic Pi, should I be able to send the audio of each individual sample out into a software (for example Ableton), where I could add effects to it? I don’t mean sending the audio of Sonic Pi as a whole (like a loopback), only the external samples individually.

this topic has come up before, if you search here for “ableton”; for example:


Thank you, but I forgot to mention that I’d like to do this in real-time for a live performance: triggering the samples individually, and adding effects to their audio separately through Ableton. It might not be possible this way, but I’m hopeful.

The :sound_out effect lets you send audio to different channels, depending on your OS

I’m trying to do this with VoiceMeeter, is it possible to send out different live_loops audio to VoiceMeeter inputs? I’m using VoiceMeeter as a loopback of the desktop sound, so I can add effects to it in Ableton, but I want to separate different live_loops audios, adding effects to them separately, controlling them separately. Would this be possible with the :sound_out effect?

What OS are you using?

On Linux it’s super easy, on my Mac I use Soundflower but I think it only works on Intel Macs, on Windows I have no idea.

yeah it’s Windows 10 on my end, so I guess it’s not possible for me :frowning:

Turns out Jack has Windows builds: Downloads | JACK Audio Connection Kit

I never used it on Windows but if it provides the same functionality it does on Linux then that’s what you need.

I’m trying to set it up, but I’m having a hard time with connecting things, could you please show me how you set it up for yourself? I just need to send the audio of external samples from Sonic Pi individually into individual channels inside Ableton, so I can add effects to them separately in real-time. Not for recording, it’s for a live performance.

This is what I see when Sonic Pi is open:


That block named SuperCollider is where the sound you make in Sonic Pi comes from. Put a :sound_out_stereo effect around your live loop or whatever you need on a separate track. :sound_out_stereo, output: 3 will make the sound come from outputs out_3 and out_4 from SuperCollider. If you make a stereo track in your DAW you should see a block for your DAW with two inputs for that track, drag connections from the SuperCollider outs to the ins for your tracks.

for some reason it doesn’t show up for me, could you screenshot your advanced setup settings please? I don’t even know how you got firefox’s output going, my browser’s (chrome) audio is not showing up either, only ableton:

Sorry, I’m on Linux where this all just works. Did you look in your system audio settings if there is a new “default” sound output you can pick that is called something like Jack low latency or something? I’m just guessing, I don’t have a Windows machine in the house and the last time I used one for anything audio related was 20 years ago (wow I’m old…).

I see, thank you anyways :slight_smile:

Hey, so I managed SuperCollider itself to work with Jack (first picture), which is cool, but I’d like to do the same thing with Sonic Pi. I tried to change the soundcard to JackRouter in the audio-settings.toml (second picture), but it’s not changing for some reason (third picture), even though the sample rate for example is changed after. Is it possible that Sonic Pi is not recognizing JackRouter, even though SuperCollider does? Or am I doing something wrong?

So you have a stand alone SuperCollider running that works? Because Sonic Pi starts a SuperCollider instance that produces the sound, there won’t be Sonic Pi block showing up, just a SuperCollider one.

I’m in a bit over my head now as I don’t know much about Windows, it could be that the Sonic Pi build for Windows is a bit different so I hope somebody else can chime in. Jack seems to be working fine so that’s good.

omg I made it work with Sonic Pi too, I just edited the audio-settings.toml in the wrong folder, now finally everything works like the way I imagined. thank you again for helping with this! :slight_smile:

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