I am working on a website that incorporates sonic pi and allows people to collaboratively work on sonic pi code.
I have what may be a simple question for some of you:
How do I get the logs/output from sonic pi? I want to send it to the website in text/json format.
here is the website btw: http://makemusiconline.net:8080
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Some other features I would like to add to the site
- Simple user login
- real time updating of the songs
- rating system for songs based on previous posts
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hi dave
Thx a lot for your work! unfortunately i got a “Error” after the login page. is there something i should know?
Hello Dietz,
Thanks for your feedback. let me know if its working now. Lots of changes made recently.
EDIT: in case it wasnt clear you need to register first http://makemusiconline.net:8080/register
Registration does not works it seems…
If I enter my mail it results in " That’s not a valid Email"
it seems it is not working sometimes. I just tried with "blah@aol.com" and it let me register. Perhaps you can try without an email.