I’m from Montpellier (France) and discovered Sonic Pi a few months ago. Of course, I fell in love with it =)
The best way I found to learn it was to compose immediately some… sonic things and I ended up starting a bandcamp account. Several first albums are between ambient and noise tracks. The last one, “Tour de Pi”, is essentially ambient (and thus easier to listen to).
welcome @enkid0 ! ou plutôt bienvenue ! Je suis personnellement de Cherbourg (France).
Good job and i really appreciate the atmosphere (atmosphère, atmosphère est-ce que j’ai une tête d’atmosphère) and the title of your tracks Roitelet se promenant sous la lune.
I added a good bunch of tracks since the last messages.
The last ones were composed with a big time limit constraint… so the code is a bit messy and sharing it wouldn’t help anyone but it’s still possible to read the code of former albums (in the lyrics sections).
So far I’ve been using samples included with Sonic Pi (except for “Garant de Jebulba” which uses old radio and conference recordings). This year I’ll begin to experiment with custom samples (mainly my voice, I guess… but also some field recording).
Like @tomkarches said, sharing composition techniques could be nice. If I find a good way to do so, it’ll probably be posted on my facebook account: