Wondering Windows fullscreen version 3.3.1 vs 4.3

I’m not sure if I’m right about this, but …

as I recall in Windows version 3.3.1 when I put Sonic Pi in fullscreen mode it hides the taskbar, which I really like when I record videos with OBS.

When I put Sonic Pi in fullscreen mode in 4.3 it doesn’t hide the taskbar.

I have to go into the Windows settings and adjust stuff to auto hide taskbar, but I always touch the taskbar during recording with the mouse, so I would love if Sonic Pi hide the taskbar on default in fullscreen mode if possible?

Hello @Relaxnow ,

I didnt understand that your problem exactly why happens. On the other hand I can suggest you to try record screen with xbox game bar extension. If you use Win 10 or 11 press “windows logo key + R”.
Maybe that help your problem.

Be safe :slight_smile: