well i guess its because u cant radnomize random seeds, you can just infinitly add to it.
how i understand it.
or making a list but this doesnt work randomly either
use_bpm 90
live_loop :tabla do
# Trouble: "i" gets stuck at "126" after some time
i = rrand_i(1,200)
# Solution 1: Using time as random_seed
i= Time.now.to_i
# Solution 2: more clear and easier to read + between 1-200
puts i
use_random_seed i
2.times do
use_random_seed i #200 104 107 40 31
15.times do
sample :tabla_tun1, rpitch: (scale :minor_pentatonic).choose, pan: 0.25#+24
# #0 5
sample :tabla_tun2, rpitch: (scale :minor_pentatonic).choose-12-0, pan: -0.25 if spread(3,5).tick
sleep 0.25
sleep 0.25