Uncalled (ghost) default note playing on default synth

hey folks.
The bottom live_loop in this patch keeps playing an uncalled note 64 (I think – whatever the default synth note is) on the default synth. I can’t figure out what’s going wrong or how to get rid of it. Can anyone recreate my error and/or give any insight?


NOTE: You probably have to comment out the Krush FX to hear what’s going on.


live_loop :thic_pad, delay:16 do
256.times do
play synth [:dsaw, :dpulse, :blade].choose, amp:sad_lfo3, cutoff: rrand(80,120), note: [64,48,88,76,36,100,112,124].choose, attack: 0.3, release: 3, pan: [-0.5,-0.75,-0.33,-0.25,0.5,0.75,0.33,0.25].choose
sleep 0.25
32.times do
sleep 1

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Hello ee33.

Welcome to the forums. Glad to have you here. Your problem is in the line where you call “play synth”. It should be this instead:

synth [:dsaw, :dpulse, :blade].choose, amp:sad_lfo3, cutoff: rrand(80,120), note: 64,48,88,76,36,100,112,124].choose, attack: 0.3, release: 3, pan: [-0.5,-0.75,-0.33,-0.25,0.5,0.75,0.33,0.25].choose

play is a synonym for synth, which uses the synth_defaults parameters instead of specifying them itself. for example:

live_loop :example do
  use_synth :dsaw
  use_synth_defaults release: 3, sustain: 2, cutoff: 80
  4.times do
    play (chord :c4, :minor)
    sleep 4

Since you’re specifying all the parameters, you should use the synth function like so

live_loop :example do
  4.times do
    synth :dsaw, note: (chord :c4, :minor), release: 3, sustain: 2, cutoff: 80
    sleep 4

Thanks a ton, chris.
What’s funny is I originally just took the code for the synth from my MIDI controlled experiment – which doesn’t make the “play synth” mistake. So I’m not totally sure when I added it. I think I kinda melded it with a solution from another patch where I called patterns of samples in another live_loop. Who knows. Anyway, thanks again!

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