I updated to 3.1, still the same issue.
Here’s the log:
=> Starting run 1
=> Defining fn :drum1
=> Defining fn :drum2
=> Defining fn :drum3
=> Defining fn :drum4
=> Defining fn :live_loop_drums
=> Loaded sample “/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/etc/samples/drum_bass_hard.flac”
=> Defining fn :live_loop_time
=> Defining fn :live_loop_synthcontrol
=> Loaded sample “~/Desktop/sonicpi/proj1/wav/2 kick1.wav”
=> Defining fn :live_loop_synth1
{run: 1, time: 0.2206, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 0.0}
└─ sample “/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/etc/samples”,
“drum_bass_hard.flac”, {rate: 0.5}
{run: 1, time: 0.0}
└─ sample “~/Desktop/sonicpi/proj1/wav”,
“2 kick1.wav”, {amp: 0.0, pan: 0.9145, pan_slide: 1.6, lpf: 100}
{run: 1, time: 0.0, thread: :live_loop_synth1}
└─ synth :blade, {note: 75.0, pan: 1}
{run: 1, time: 0.5245, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 0.8284, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 1.1323, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 1.4364, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
=> Loaded sample “/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/etc/samples/drum_snare_hard.flac”
{run: 1, time: 1.7405, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 2.0443, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 1.6, thread: :live_loop_synth1}
└─ synth :blade, {note: 75.0, pan: -1}
{run: 1, time: 1.6}
└─ sample “/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/etc/samples”,
“drum_snare_hard.flac”, {rate: 0.55}
{run: 1, time: 2.3484, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 2.6522, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 2.9563, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 3.2603, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 3.5643, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 3.2, thread: :live_loop_drums}
└─ sample “/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/etc/samples”,
“drum_bass_hard.flac”, {rate: 0.5}
{run: 1, time: 3.2, thread: :live_loop_synth1}
└─ synth :blade, {note: 75.0, pan: 1}
{run: 1, time: 3.868, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 3.6, thread: :live_loop_drums}
└─ sample “/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/etc/samples”,
“drum_bass_hard.flac”, {rate: 0.5}
{run: 1, time: 4.1724, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 4.4762, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 4.7803, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 5.0841, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 4.8, thread: :live_loop_drums}
└─ sample “/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/etc/samples”,
“drum_snare_hard.flac”, {rate: 0.55}
{run: 1, time: 4.8, thread: :live_loop_synth1}
└─ synth :blade, {note: 75.0, pan: -1}
{run: 1, time: 5.3879, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 5.6923, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 5.996, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 6.2999, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 6.604, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 6.4, thread: :live_loop_drums}
└─ sample “/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/etc/samples”,
“drum_bass_hard.flac”, {rate: 0.5}
{run: 1, time: 6.4, thread: :live_loop_synth1}
└─ synth :blade, {note: 75.0, pan: -1}
{run: 1, time: 6.4, thread: :live_loop_time}
└─ sample “~/Desktop/sonicpi/proj1/wav”,
“2 kick1.wav”, {amp: 0.0, pan: 0.5292, pan_slide: 1.6, lpf: 100}
{run: 1, time: 6.9079, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 7.212, thread: :live_loop_synthcontrol}
└─ synth :piano, {note: 0.0, amp: 1.5}
{run: 1, time: 6.8, thread: :live_loop_drums}
└─ sample “/Applications/Sonic Pi.app/etc/samples”,
“drum_bass_hard.flac”, {rate: 0.5}
=> Stopping all runs…
=> Stopping run 1
=> Completed run 1
=> All runs completed
=> Pausing SuperCollider Audio Server