Thoughts on my composition

Not quite my first composition, but almost. I just wondered if anyone had any comments - good, bad or indifferent - and whether I’m heading in the right direction, or down a rabbit-hole.

t = 28
with_fx :echo do
  sample :ambi_choir, pitch: 0.25, beat_stretch: 8
  with_fx :panslicer do
    use_synth :dark_ambience
    4.times do
      r = 0.125
      play t, release: r, amp: 2
      sleep r
      play t + 4, release: r, amp: 2
      sleep r
      play t + 2, release: r, amp: 2
      sleep r
      play t + 7, release: r, amp: 2
      sleep r
      play t + 12, release: r, amp: 2
      sleep r
      play t + 9, release: r, amp: 2
      sleep r
      play t + 2, release: r, amp: 2
      sleep r
      play t, release: r, amp: 2
      sleep r
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Love it! Interesting use of the :dark ambience synth, with very short release, and arpeggio. Maybe add a filter cutoff sweep, or mess with the other synth settings?


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Thank you, @brendanmac. That’s helpful. Yes, I will be trying other settings. It’s helpful to know it’s not complete $&%£ :grin:

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You mentioned your programming experience in your intro - so I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing your experiments. I’m from the other end of the ‘continuum’, PhD in music tech, with limited coding chops :wink:


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Yeah, but this is very different than writing an accounting application! :laughing:

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I love pitching the choir sound down 2 octaves! Super spooky.

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