I am pretty new, and still trying to figure out how to work with external MIDI devices.
I have a KORG keyboard, which sends MIDI clock messages (but looks as empty messages in Sonic Pi). It works pretty well with other devices or software, but I can’t get it to work properly with Sonic Pi. By properly I mean to say, that I want this device to be the master Clock source.
Can anyone give me some clue as to how to properly sync w/an external MIDI clock?
This is my current unreliable solution, which is clearly not perfectly synced
define :midiClock do |port|
in_thread do
lap = nil
t1 = nil
ppqn = 24
t = nil
loop do
sync port
t = tick(:clock)
isQuarterNote = (t%ppqn)==0
if t1 == nil
t1 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
elsif t1 != nil && lap == nil && isQuarterNote
t2 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
/ elapsed time in milliseconds /
lap = (t2 - t1) * 1000
t1 = nil
cue :beat
if lap != nil
if lap > 0
pps = 1000/lap
ppm = pps*60
puts lap, pps, ppm
set :midibeat, [lap, ppm]
lap = nil
midiClock '/midi/microstation_midi_1/2/clock'
The logs show tempo is out of sync most of the times (last number is ppm), considering my external MIDI clock is fixed to 100.00
{run: 6, time: 300.0842}
└─ 575.7103539999662 1.736984567069396 104.21907402416376
{run: 6, time: 300.6842}
└─ 576.0453549992235 1.7359744181972407 104.15846509183444
{run: 6, time: 301.2843}
└─ 576.4124100005574 1.7348689630034735 104.0921377802084
{run: 6, time: 301.8843}
└─ 575.8693120005773 1.7365051048231537 104.19030628938923
{run: 6, time: 302.4843}
└─ 576.0355580005125 1.7360039430050431 104.16023658030258
{run: 6, time: 303.0844}
└─ 576.1048839995055 1.7357950397116548 104.1477023826993
{run: 6, time: 303.6844}
└─ 576.0853020001377 1.735854041976167 104.15124251857002
{run: 6, time: 304.2844}
└─ 575.6511149993457 1.7371633163624405 104.22979898174643
{run: 6, time: 304.8844}
└─ 575.8668889993714 1.7365124112928318 104.19074467756991
{run: 6, time: 305.4844}
└─ 576.2161530001322 1.735459852684433 104.12759116106598
{run: 6, time: 306.0845}
└─ 576.0676230001991 1.735907313783636 104.15443882701817
{run: 6, time: 306.6845}
└─ 575.8704109994142 1.7365017908534588 104.19010745120752
{run: 6, time: 307.2846}
└─ 576.0708109992265 1.7358977072027741 104.15386243216645
{run: 6, time: 307.8846}
└─ 576.0947459984891 1.7358255858883023 104.14953515329813
{run: 6, time: 308.4846}
└─ 575.8625850012322 1.7365253899901487 104.19152339940892
{run: 6, time: 309.0846}
└─ 576.0855089993129 1.7358534182487009 104.15120509492205
{run: 6, time: 309.6846}
└─ 576.1413180007366 1.7356852715755433 104.1411162945326
{run: 6, time: 310.2846}
└─ 576.0268280009768 1.7360302530879763 104.16181518527858