Spooky Samples with Visualiser

Video of Sonic Pi playing seven samples from freesound.org with gverb wrapper and use of fx :slicer and density function. I also run my visualiser in the background. See article here


@robin.newman - amazing stuff as usual :slight_smile:

Hi Robin, I saw some of your Sonic Pi YouTube videos and read also articles where you use OSC.

With your own Visualiser, can you give a quick breakdown on what values you track and send out via OSC? I am trying to procedurally generate visualization using Blender 3D.

In my visualiser all the triggering is done as a result of the fft applied to the sound input from Sonic Pi at present the Info I send via OSC merely directs the shape to use and controls the lateral shift constraints and rotation values to use and in the case of the stars the number of points and the radii of the external and internal superscribing and inscribing circles. There is also an audio threshold value I can adjust via OSC. I suggest you look at the code in the article, and at the help files on the processing Minim library which has example for the fft code.

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