Sonic Pi, Processing and OSC

IF you build latest 3.2dev then beware of several changes to port allocation, and also there IS a bug there still to be sorted where you DO have to turn OSC server off then on again before OSC messages work, by clicking the box in the IO preferences.
Also Sonic Pi receives messages on port 4560 not 4559 as in version 3.1
Also received cues coming in to sonic pi contain additional info

if you send “/play”,60 the cue you receive in the cue log looks like /osc: [60]
To sync this you can use

n = sync "osc*/play"

n=sync "osc/play" will NOT match

The * matches all the extra stuff which you don’t normally need.

A final change is that some other ports are dynamically allocated, including the server Listen port which receives osc commands from the gui to Sonic Pi. The actual value allocated is shown in the server-output.log Since this port is used by programs like the sonic-pi-cli command they will be broken.
I discussed this, and the post of an updated version here

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