Sonic Pi course for teachers - 17th/18th April, York, UK

Hello teachers,

I’m really excited to announce a new 2 day Sonic Pi course for teachers. It’s hosted at the lovely UK National STEM centre and will get you up and running with Sonic Pi - showing you how to engage your students with the computing curriculum through creativity and music.

It’s on the 17th and 18th of April and it’s going to be a lot of fun.

If you’re a teacher in a UK state-funded school or college, the course is free and you can even apply for a travel/accommodation bursary. International teachers may also attend, although sadly no discount is available in this case.

So please do sign up and share with your colleagues and let’s have a blast learning together in April :slight_smile:

Very envious. Unfortunately I’m not eligible. :disappointed:
If you ARE eligible what are you waiting for. I’m sure it will be a great course!

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Me too.

What he said…


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