Some New Sounds

Worth putting a sound clip up somewhere? Might be interesting to hear what it sounds like :slightly_smiling_face:

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Can’t believe it works!!

Just installed this synth and had a play. Its quite impressive, with a wide range of built in voices. I think I had a brief look some time ago, but seems much improved. Lots of facilities. Running nicely on my Pi4

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Installed? You can install them? I’ve just been sending midi to the browser.


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For some reason I have come to like this one …

Somewhat better .
RPi 3 B+ with Stretch …
( Again Buster is buggered for my purpose
( using Python for programming ) )

I followed the links back till I found this too… mainly because I use Windows and the other one seems to be Linux-only.

I am VERY interested in this… I think it’s something the ‘Big Brains’ need to investigate, as it opens doors.


More and more that run in browsers too .
I like the sound of the above .

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Well seems to be for linux only. Helm by Matt Tytel works better for me. But I’m glad I can still play with the midi in the browser from webYOSHIMI

Hmmmm … Well it works

SPi does better though ( after mucho experimentation )

mn=[:r]; for j in 1..1023
mn[j]=hz_to_midi(5.5*j); end

c=[6,6, 6,6,8,6, 6,6,8,6, 8,6,8,6, 8,6,9]
d=[6,6, 6,6,3,6, 6,6,3,6, 3,6,3,6, 3,6,3]
a=[0,1, 0,1,0,1, 0,1,0,1, 0,1,0,1, 0,1,0]
m=[3,1,1,1,3,1,1,1]; o=[3,6,9]; v=[0.5,0.6,0.7]

use_bpm 140; for i in 0..3; play 84,
    release: 0.01, amp: 0.4; sleep 1; end

use_bpm 560; live_loop :S1 do; for x in 0..7
    play 84, release: 0.01, amp: p[x]/12.0
sleep 1; end; end

use_bpm 280; live_loop :S2 do
    for x in 0..16; for y in 0..7
        synth :fm, note: mn[4*c[x]], amp: m[y]/3.0
sleep 1; end; end; end

use_bpm 35; use_synth :tri; live_loop :pads do
  for x in 0..16
    play mn[2*c[x]], sustain: 1, release: 0, amp: 0.2
    play mn[c[x]*d[x]], sustain: 1, release: 0, amp: 0.2
sleep 1; end; end

use_bpm 70; use_synth :piano; live_loop :keys do
  for x in 0..16; g=f[a[x]]; for y in 0..7
      play mn[g[y]*choose(o)], amp: choose(v)
      play mn[g[y]*choose(o)], amp: choose(v)
      play mn[g[y]*choose(o)], amp: choose(v)
sleep 0.25; end; end; end