Probleme to comment a block of code

Hi there! I have a problem on my Mac 2024 M3 Sonoma: when I want to comment a block of code with ##, impossible! So, has someone an idea to do this, comment and uncomment in Sonic Pi? :man_bald:
The only solution to comment line after line! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Thanks for attention and help!

How are you trying to do it? What version of Sonic Pi are you using?
For me it works when I press Command + “/” on macOS Sonoma using the latest Sonic Pi v5.0.0-beta-1.

Hello Emelyn, I am on the 4.5.1 version and Command + “/” doesn’t work in fact (on my PC yes it does but it’s a different keyboard)
I have to comment and uncomment line after line (with #) so it’s not very practical… :neutral_face:

That’s strange, I just tried version 4.5.1 and that works for me too. Could it be that you have a keyboard shortcut configured (in System Settings, Keyboard, Keyboard Shortcuts) that is interfering?

As a workaround (not ideal, but maybe better than manually (un)commenting each line individually), you can use:

comment do

Then to uncomment it you can just change it to:

uncomment do

an uncomment block runs the code normally, so you just need to add/remove two characters to (un)comment the block.

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Thanks for your help! I am going to look at my keyboard configuration and if not to use this interesting method in my code… :smile: