Hi everyone,
just a random thought: how feasible/popular would a regular virtual meetup be? Online platform obviously, sharing tips and tricks, loosely categorised into beginner/intermediate/expert? Loosely goal-oriented, with weekly topics chosen in turn by each participant. Like, “oh no, I’ve to code this query or solution by Friday 6pm, crap!!”
Not a learning forum, more of a social/sharing ethos, and to help keep the Sonic Pi fire burning.
I like the idea. I have seen that most of this kind of communities are build or gathered via meetup, there can be alternatives. But usually I discovered cool communities That share an specific topic via this platform.
i would also like to participate, maybe we can create a telegram group, and organize the meetings via zoom, record them on youtube and post in reddit to promote the group, if anyone else is interested we can start this week!
Is the discord idea discarded?, I really like how is the interaction on discord, I personal envy the tidal community cause they are pretty active on theirs, maybe, we can do the same?
no man lets make it, the only thing that im scared of is the fact that we might get bots if we post the link somewhere here, las time i tried to create a live coding community in germany i posted the link of invitation in reddit and it got full of bots, i think we can try again here
There is a discord community for Patreon supporters. It doesn’t currently have huge amounts of traffic - but it definitely doesn’t have any bots. Its the place I would encourage people to hang out - it’s the official Sonic Pi discord and joining helps support Sonic Pi too Sam Aaron | creating Sonic Pi a code-based music creation & performance tool | Patreon