- #--
- # This file is part of Sonic Pi: http://sonic-pi.net
- # Full project source: https://github.com/samaaron/sonic-pi
- # License: https://github.com/samaaron/sonic-pi/blob/main/LICENSE.md
- #
- # Copyright 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 by Sam Aaron (http://sam.aaron.name).
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, and
- # distribution of modified versions of this work as long as this
- # notice is included.
- #++
- require_relative "util"
- require_relative "promise"
- require_relative "osc/osc"
- require_relative "thread_id"
- require_relative "../../paths"
- require 'fileutils'
- require 'shellwords'
- module SonicPi
- class SCSynthExternal
- include Util
- attr_reader :version
- def initialize(events, scsynth_port, register_cue_event_lambda)
- @events = events
- @hostname = "".freeze
- @send_port = scsynth_port
- @register_cue_event_lambda = register_cue_event_lambda
- raise "No cue event lambda!" unless @register_cue_event_lambda
- @out_queue = SizedQueue.new(20)
- @scsynth_thread_id = ThreadId.new(-5)
- @version = request_version.freeze
- boot
- end
- def sys(cmd)
- log "System: #{cmd}"
- system cmd
- end
- def send(*all_args)
- address, *args = *all_args
- log "OSC ~ #{address} #{args.inspect}" if osc_debug_mode
- @osc_server.send(@hostname, @send_port, address, *args)
- end
- def send_at(ts, *all_args)
- address, *args = *all_args
- if osc_debug_mode
- if (a = __get_spider_time) && (b = __get_spider_start_time)
- vt = a - b
- elsif st = __get_spider_start_time
- vt = ts - st
- else
- vt = -1
- end
- log "BDL #{'%11.5f' % vt} ~ [#{vt}:#{ts.to_f}] #{address} #{args.inspect}"
- end
- @osc_server.send_ts(ts, @hostname, @send_port, address, *args)
- end
- def reboot
- shutdown
- boot
- end
- def booted?
- !!@scsynth_pid
- end
- def shutdown
- puts "Sending /quit command to scsynth"
- begin
- @osc_server.send(@hostname, @send_port, "/quit")
- rescue Exception => e
- puts "Error during scsynth shutdown when attempting to send /quit OSC message to server #{@hostname} on port #{@send_port}"
- puts " --> #{e.message}"
- puts " --> #{e.backtrace.inspect}\n\n"
- end
- puts "Stopping OSC server..."
- @osc_server.stop
- puts "Stopped OSC server..."
- t1, t2 = nil, nil
- t1.join if t1
- t2.join if t2
- #close log file if it's open
- @scsynth_log_file.close if @scsynth_log_file
- @scsynth_log_file = nil
- end
- private
- def request_version
- version_string = `"#{Paths.scsynth_path}" -v`
- m = version_string.match(/\A\s*scsynth\s+([0-9.a-zA-Z-]+)\s.*/)
- if m && m[1] && !m[1].empty?
- "v#{m[1]}"
- else
- ""
- end
- end
- def boot
- if booted?
- server_log "Server already booted..."
- return false
- end
- @osc_server = OSC::UDPServer.new(0, use_decoder_cache: true, use_encoder_cache: true, name: "Scsynth Comms Server")
- @osc_server.add_global_method do |address, args, info|
- case address
- when '/n_end'
- id = args[0].to_i
- @events.async_event ['/n_end/', id], args
- when '/n_off'
- id = args[0].to_i
- @events.async_event ['/n_off/', id], args
- when '/n_on'
- id = args[0].to_i
- @events.async_event ['/n_on/', id], args
- when '/n_go'
- id = args[0].to_i
- @events.async_event ['/n_go/', id], args
- when '/n_move'
- id = args[0].to_i
- @events.async_event ['/n_move/', id], args
- else
- @events.async_event address, args
- end
- p = 0
- d = 0
- b = 0
- m = 60
- @register_cue_event_lambda.call(Time.now, p, @scsynth_thread_id, d, b, m, address, args) if address.start_with? "/scsynth/"
- end
- wait_for_boot
- true
- end
- def raspberry?
- os == :raspberry
- end
- def wait_for_boot
- puts "scsynth boot - Waiting for the SuperCollider Server to have booted..."
- p = Promise.new
- connected = false
- boot_s = OSC::UDPServer.new(0, name: "Scsynth ack server") do |a, b, info|
- puts "scsynth boot - Receiving ack from scsynth"
- p.deliver! true unless connected
- connected = true
- end
- t = Thread.new do
- __system_thread_locals.set_local(:sonic_pi_local_thread_group, :scsynth_external_boot_ack)
- Kernel.loop do
- begin
- puts "scsynth boot - Sending /status to server: #{@hostname}:#{@send_port}"
- boot_s.send(@hostname, @send_port, "/status")
- rescue Exception => e
- puts "scsynth boot - Error sending /status to server: #{e.message}"
- end
- sleep 1
- end
- end
- begin
- p.get(30)
- rescue Exception => e
- puts "scsynth boot - Unable to connect to SuperCollider Audio Server (#{e.message}). Exiting..."
- exit
- ensure
- t.kill
- end
- unless connected
- puts "scsynth boot - Unable to connect to SuperCollider"
- raise "scsynth boot - Unable to connect to SuperCollider"
- end
- puts "scsynth boot - Server connection established"
- end
- end
- end
This file has been truncated. show original