i ve installed sonic on ubuntu with apt-get, it works but it s an old version 2.2…
and i tried a lot of times to install from source but never get out…
is there a way to install with apt-get the last version?
i ve installed sonic on ubuntu with apt-get, it works but it s an old version 2.2…
and i tried a lot of times to install from source but never get out…
is there a way to install with apt-get the last version?
Building and maintaining packages for linux distributions is not a straight forward process for the dev team, but there is a deb of Sonic Pi 3.2.2, provided manually by @robin.newman. It is also only likely to work on Ubuntu 20.04.
See http://r.newman.ch/rpi/ubuntu-20.04/ubuntu_sonic_pi_deb.html for details.
I’ve not had the pleasure of maintaining a package for linux distros so I’ll take @ethancrawford’s word for it
But, that would be pretty cool if it was possible.
Is that something that someone outside of the dev team could investigate?
There has been some interest in this, yes, but no real progress. See Creating a snap package for Sonic 3.0 for example.