Grokking the :autotuner fx

Hi y’all,

I’m trying to make the :autotuner fx work but having trouble, it’s very possible I just don’t know how to make it work. I tried the sample code with my own sample audio and hear nothing:

with_fx :autotuner do |c|
  sample "~/Downloads/test2.wav" # any sample with a voice is good
  sleep 4
  # listen to standard auto-tune behaviour for 4 seconds
  64.times do
    # now start changing note: to get robot voice behaviour
    control c, note: (scale :a2, :minor_pentatonic, num_octaves: 2).choose
    sleep 0.5

Can someone give me a quick guide on how this fx works with sample code? I am on v4.5.0 and macOS 14.0

live_loop :autotune do
  with_fx :autotuner, mix: 0.5 do
    sample :ambi_choir, rate: rrand(0.5, 2)
    sleep 1
define :autotune_fx do |note: :c3, mix: 1, amp: 1, attack: 0.01, release: 0.1, pre_amp: 1, pitch_dis: 0.01, pitch_tol: 0.5, pitch_mode: 0|
  with_fx :autotuner, note: note, mix: mix, amp: amp, attack: attack, release: release, pre_amp: pre_amp, pitch_dis: pitch_dis, pitch_tol: pitch_tol, pitch_mode: pitch_mode do
    sample :ambi_choir, rate: rrand(0.5, 2)
    sleep 1

live_loop :autotune do

Not sure if that helps, guessing this isn’t yet documented?
From gpt :robot::technologist:, untested!

Also some examples in the forums…