I found out about Sonic Pi through reddit recently and decided to give it a try, and it’s been a blast so far! I sing for fun and have been wanting to do a cover of Oblivion for a while, so I decided to code the instrumental for it as my first “real” Sonic Pi project. Here is the result:
Song: https://soundcloud.com/fuzz-genesis/oblivion-grimes-cover-made-in-sonic-pi
Code: https://github.com/fuzzgenesis/sonic_pi_experiments/blob/master/oblivion_instrumental.rb
I recorded/mixed all the vocals in Garageband, then imported them as one long sample and recorded the final song in Sonic Pi. The current version on Github is just the instrumental though.
If you have any feedback on the code I’d be interested to hear it, I feel like it could be way cleaner; the threads especially take up a ton of lines and aren’t super organized. I have a programming background but am not terribly familiar with Ruby, and there are probably some helpful Sonic Pi features I missed. I was mostly just focused on getting all the synths sounding more or less like the original, haha.