External Synth Setup Example

Hello everyone

As part of my live setup I’ve made a couple of functions that I use to control my hardware synths. I figured they could serve as an example and starting point for others to work from.

 # An important part of this code is the midi ports that
    # you set for each synth. This depends entirely on your
    # midi setup. I use a 4-port midi interface, and I make
    # sure to connect my synths the same way every time.

    # The Volca Drum has six different "sound slots" it can play
    # The sound isn't determined by the note, but which channel the
    # note is sent to.
    define :volca do |sound|
      channel = 0
      case sound
      when 1 then channel = 1
      when 2 then channel = 2
      when 3 then channel = 3
      when 4 then channel = 4
      when 5 then channel = 5
      when 6 then channel = 6
      midi :c1, channel: channel, port: "midiout3_(midi4x4)_3"

    # the Roland SE-02 is a monosynth, which makes it super easy to work with
    # this function is purely to make my code easier to understand by the audience.
    define :se02 do |note, sustain|
      midi note, port: "midiout2_(midi4x4)_2", sustain: sustain

    # the Roland System-1M is a polysynth with up to four voices, which means
    # it needs a way to handle multiple notes at a time.
    define :system1m do |note, sustain|
      case note
      when Symbol
        midi note, port: "midi4x4_1", sustain: sustain
      when Numeric
        midi note, port: "midi4x4_1", sustain: sustain
        note.each do |n|
          midi n, port: "midi4x4_1", sustain: sustain

    # This fuction is used to send control signals to the synth
    # which controls the different parameters, such as cutoff.
    # It's not particularly clean, but it gets the job done.
    # The parameters and numbers depend on the midi implementation
    # of that particular synth, so give the manual a look.
    define :ctrl do |synth, param, value|
      se02_parameters = {
        "glide" => 5,
        "xmod_filter" => 16,
        "xmod_osc" => 17,
        "xmod_pulse" => 18,
        "noise_mix" => 41,
        "osc1_mix" => 48,
        "osc2_mix" => 49,
        "osc3_mix" => 50,
        "feedback" => 51,
        "lfo_rate" => 102,
        "lfo_osc" => 103,
        "lfo_filter" => 105,
        "delay_time" => 82,
        "delay_amount" => 91,
        "delay_regen" => 83,
        "cutoff" => 74
      system1m_parameters = {
        "mod_wheel" => 1,
        "cutoff" => 3,
        "glide" => 5,
        "resonance" => 9,
        "bitcruster_amount" => 12,
        "delay_time" => 13,
        "osc1_mix" => 16,
        "osc2_mix" => 17,
        "sub_mix" => 18,
        "noise_mix" => 19,
        "pitch_envelope" => 22,
        "pitch_attack" => 23,
        "pitch_decay" => 24,
        "lfo_pitch" => 26,
        "lfo_fade_time" => 27,
        "lfo_filter" => 28,
        "lfo_rate" => 29,
        "osc1_color" => 50,
        "osc1_xmod" => 52,
        "osc2_color" => 55,
        "osc2_tune" => 56,
        "hpf_cutoff" => 79,
        "reverb_amount" => 91,
        "delay_amount" => 94
      case synth
      when "se02" then
        if se02_parameters.has_key?(param)
          midi_cc se02_parameters[param], val_f: value, port: "midiout2_(midi4x4)_2"
          print "no such parameter"
      when "system1m" then
        if system1m_parameters.has_key?(param)
          midi_cc system1m_parameters[param], val_f: value, port: "midi4x4_1"
          print "no such parameter"
        print "no such synth"

    # A handy little panic button
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hi @chris.krakou

Big thanks for sharing this piece of code ! I think i will look at it to play with an elektron sample :slight_smile:

Edit :

  • maybe it would worth to have more code to see how you use this.
  • why your code is not colorized ?


Wait, Ruby has a case statement? I wish I’d known that earlier…

Sorry for the late reply, I’m terrible at checking this site. Anyway.

I’m not sure why my code wasn’t colourised, but I’ve fixed it now.

As for use, here’s a simple loop which uses the functions.

live_loop :synths do
  # drum machine does simple 4-on-the-floor pattern
  volca 1 if (spread 1,4).look
  volca 2 if (spread 1,8,rotate:4).look
  # SE-02 does a simple arpeggiator
  se02 (chord :c3, :minor).look, 0.125
  # SYSTEM-1M does a drone and moves the cutoff.
  system1m (chord :c3, :m7).choose, 8 if (spread 1,32).look
  ctrl "system1m", "cutoff", line(60,90,steps:30,inclusive: true).mirror.look
  sleep 0.25