this is a simple osc ping pong
server implement in Elixir and Sonic pi just
for the sake of exploring and learning, there are a bunch of thing that I do not
know and of course there is room for improvement always, feel free to share your though
# mix.exs
add the next to dependencies
defp deps do
{:ex_osc, "~> 0.1.1"}
Server code
defmodule OscElixir do
@moduledoc """
Documentation for `OscElixir`.
use GenStage
def start_link() do
{:ok, client} = ExOSC.Client.start_link(ip: {127, 0, 0, 1}, port: 4560)
{:ok, consumer} = GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, client, name: __MODULE__)
{:ok, _} = GenStage.sync_subscribe(consumer, to: client)
@impl true
def init(client) do
{:consumer, %{client: client}}
def send_msg() do, :test)
# -- Server side
@impl true
def handle_call(:test, _from, %{client: client} = state) do
ExOSC.Client.send_message(client, %OSC.Message{path: "/ping", args: [50, 100, 1]})
{:reply, :ok, [], state}
@impl true
def handle_events(events, {_, _}, %{client: client} = state) do
|> Enum.each(&IO.inspect/1)
# Wait 5 second before reply
ExOSC.Client.send_message(client, %OSC.Message{path: "/pong", args: [50, 100, 1]})
{:noreply, [], state}
Sonic pi code that will listen and send a reply to the server, leave it run it also
##| port = ##| we do not yet from where we are going to see a reply
##| use_osc "localhost", port
live_loop :ping do
a, b, c = sync "/osc*/ping"
play 60
osc "/pong"
live_loop :pong do
a, b, c = sync "/osc*/pong"
play 65
then we can run the server using iex -S mix
we will enter in something call interactive shell, from there we can call function,
iex(1)> OscElixir.start_link
{:ok, #Reference<>}
iex(2)> OscElixir.send_msg
We should here a ping
msg sound, and if we inspect the cues console in sonic pi we should see something like
/osc: [50, 100, 1]
we should grab that 12345
and replace it as the port in the sonic pi code
port = 12345
use_osc "localhost", port
now if we run the elixir commands again we should see something like
iex(5)> OscElixir.send_msg
%OSC.Message{path: "/pong", args: []}
if we see the OSC.Message means that our conection is working! also I just decide to reply with pong
to hear confirm with audio that is working
Happy Coding!