Hey, i get this error when compiling SonicPi,
here a screenshot:
Any ideas how i can solve this? (i am a total ruby noob).
Hey, i get this error when compiling SonicPi,
here a screenshot:
Any ideas how i can solve this? (i am a total ruby noob).
I installed Arch now, so never mind
Hey, I see you solved your problem with Arch, but I did just find a solution to this hurdle on Ubuntu Studio 18.10 that I wanted to share with anyone else trying to install.
Everything seems to work in the 18-04 script except rugged, the issue above.
rugged can be installed with:
sudo gem install rugged
From here we need to do two things, copy the gem that was just downloaded to the location where sonic pi build is looking for it, and change the version number in a script.
I got the following from INSTALL-LINUX.md :
“If you have issues with rugged, try installing it via. gem install rugged
, and copy the rugged folder to the appropriate place in the sonic pi folder using cd /sonic-pi-folder/app/gui/qt & cp -a "/var/lib/gems/2.3.0/gems/rugged-0.26.0/." "../../server/ruby/vendor/rugged-0.26.0/"
(replace sonic-pi-folder with the path to the sonic pi source folder).”
You’ll have version 0.27.7 installed instead, so you’ll need to amend the above slightly. I had gems under 2.5.0 instead of 2.3.0. Altogether, my own command to copy was:
cd ~/spibuild/app/gui/qt & cp -a "/var/lib/gems/2.5.0/gems/rugged-0.27.7/." "../../server/ruby/vendor/rugged-0.27.7/"
Now we need to tell the compile extensions script that we have a different version of rugged. According to the build script, this file is …/…/server/ruby/bin/compile-extensions.rb
Open it in an editor, 4th line down for makes reference to rugged 0.26.0. Just change that to 0.27.7 and save.
go back and run the ubuntu 18.04 build script and it should work now.
For reference, I did not do any cleanup before I rebuilt it after my fail. If it’s failing on you and you do the above, just run the build script again and you won’t have to wait for any modules to build except the final app.
This version works a treat with MIDI! I’m so stoked!
Thanks, this was a big help! I got the cannot load /sonic-pi/app/server/ruby/rb-native/2.5.0/rugged
error reported in the OP today, when trying to build Sonic Pi 3.2.0 on Ubuntu 18.10. After following your instructions for downloading the gem and copying it to the correct folder, I was able to run the build-ubuntu-18-04
script without any errors.
I didn’t update the compile-extensions.rb
file to the correct version of rugged. The version of rugged that I copied to the vendor directory was rugged-0.28.1
. Looking at the vendor directory now, I see that both rugged-0.28.1
and rugged-0.26.0
(the version that’s referenced in compile-extensions.rb
) are present. I’m not sure what is going on with that.
Sonic Pi is working great for me now. Unfortunately, I didn’t pay as much attention to the build process as I could have. I’d be happy to go through the process again if it could help to debug the Ubuntu build script or update https://github.com/samaaron/sonic-pi/blob/master/INSTALL-LINUX.md.
I’m on 19.04 Mate with the studio extensions. Successful build today. The magic bullet seems to be remembering to download libssl-dev before trying to gem install rugged. Other than that, @scossar seems to have the most up to date version number. Thank you!
Yeah, libssl-dev
seems to be the missing dependency. I did a fresh install today on Ubuntu 18.10 (previously I’d installed Sonic Pi on my work computer.) gem install rugged
was failing without libssl-dev
I’m glad we’re keeping this thread going. I’m thinking about talking to the Ubuntu studio crew to see if we can maintain a single target for them rather than worrying about covering the ecosystem, a bit like Carla seems to have just done. With the current rugged gem accounted for everything runs fabulously.