A big "harmonic" snippet

Thanks for trying it! It’s a mix of different things i learned these last weeks with the Sam’s tutorials and these from @mrbombmusic ! Thanks to them too…There are probably some lines to improve so if you see something bad, I’ll read it with attention :hugs:

with_fx :reverb, room: 0.9 do
  live_loop :chords do
    use_synth :piano
    play_chord [:e4,:g4, :b4, :cs4,:fs5,:gs5,:as5],release: 8, pan: -1, amp: 1
    sleep 4
  live_loop :chords2 do
    use_synth :bass_foundation
    play_chord [:e2,:g2,:c3,:d4],release: 0.2, pan: rrand(-0.9,0.9), amp: 0.8
    sleep 0.5
  live_loop :mel do
    sample :ambi_choir, onset: pick, rpitch: :e3, amp: 0.9
    sleep 0.25
live_loop :bass1 do
  with_fx :reverb, room: 0.9 do
    with_fx :slicer, phase: 0.125  do
      use_synth :bass_foundation
      play 36,attack: 0,amp: 4, pan: rrand(-0.9,0.9)
      sleep 8

with_fx :lpf, cutoff: 100 do
  live_loop :basss2 do
    use_synth :pluck
    play (octs (knit :e1, 4, :g1, 4, :a1, 4, :b1, 4).tick, 2), amp: 2, release: 0.2
    sleep 0.25
live_loop :arp do
  with_fx :slicer, phase: 0.13 do
    if one_in(2)
      use_synth :pretty_bell
      play chord(:e4, :m13).choose, amp: 0.4,pan: 1
      sleep 1
      use_synth :prophet if one_in(2)
      play chord(:e4, :m11).choose, amp: 0.4, pan: -1
      sleep 1

live_loop :ryth1 do
  sample :drum_heavy_kick,amp: 3
  sleep 1

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Great work! Lots of good stuff in here. Glad to hear the tutorials were helpful.

Just some things to note:
INnthe first live loop, you have release: 8 with the :piano synth but the release: option doesn’t really have an effect on the piano synth. it won’t make it last for 8 beats like other synths
This is from the docs on this synth:
Note that due to the plucked nature of this synth the envelope opts such as attack:, sustain: and release: do not work as expected. They can only shorten the natural length of the note, not prolong it.

For this block of code:

 live_loop :mel do
    sample :ambi_choir, onset: pick, rpitch: :e3, amp: 0.9
    sleep 0.25

This loop isn’t really doing much because of the rpitch: :e3
rpitch: 1 with change the pitch of a sample up one semitone by changing the rate (speed and length) of the sample. Passing the note :e3 to that function is the equivalent of passing the value 52 (The midi note value of :e3) which increases the rate to the point of the sample being so short you basically don’t hear it. Try listening to this loop by itself and you’ll hear what I mean.

You could try a number between 1-12 for something more audible. Another interesting alternative could be to pass a scale with the root note as 0. This will give your sample some interesting melodic quality.

live_loop :mel do
  sample :ambi_choir, rpitch: scale(0, :minor_pentatonic).choose, amp: 0.9
  sleep 0.25

Another thing is that with the onset: for this specific sample, it appears the sample is only cut into two parts, so using pick only results in one of two sounds. Listening to it in isolation, it seems like the first one doesn’t make much of a sound, it is the second onset that makes some type of sound that comes through in this block of code. Not that there is anything wrong with this, but about half the time you don’t really get a sound, so onset: might not be worth using in this case. I’ve found onset to be much more useful with a longer sample that has multiple sounds within it like a drum loop

live_loop :mel do
  sample :loop_amen, onset: pick
  sleep 0.25

Just some things that caught my eye. Hope you find that helpful.


Merci beaucoup Mr Bomb for these very interesting corrections and I am flattered that you took the time to take an interest in them! So I’m going to rectify the original with these sometimes beginners’ mistakes… And thank you for all your great videos that complement Sam Aaron’s tutorial very well, with great pleasure to see new videos maybe soon! :grinning: