On pitch-class sets and set theory…
Last Summer, I got into a rabbithole about PC sets. My own goal had to do with finding chords which fit my “noodling scale”. So, basically, an application of “combinatorial music theory”.
Was playing with those ideas in a café when the barista (a friend’s son who was in the music program at McGill University) led me to PC set notation…
…which sounded a lot like Sonic Pi.
Some of that relates to minimalistic generative @amiika.
What’s funny about this is that I’m also into microtuning, while PC sets epitomize 12TET. Yet nothing prevents us from building PCS tools which work with numbers different from 12 (for the EDO side) or tune each pitch class through some form of Just Intonation.
Eventually, I want to apply both Set Theory and JI in the same semi-generative practice.