I’ve been working for quite a while on a collection of useful methods to help with Sonic Pi, and it’s finally ready to share with y’all!
It’s called YummyFillings.rb, and it’s on github here:
I found myself having to reinvent the wheel, so I decided to build some reusable methods for really common tasks. Examples are lfos and envelopes for any slidable param, trancegates, strumming and arpeggiating chords, making a straight rhythm swing (even to odd beats), arranging multiple voices for more compositional approaches (as opposed to live-coding in the moment), converting drum notation and a simplified musical notation into playable arrays of values to drive performance, etc.
Two things might be of particular interest. The method arrange supports very sophisticated arrangements of multiple voices together. And convertdrumnotation supports simple notation like “x—x—x—x—”, but also controlling dynamics with numerals like “2—4—6—8” (with 9 the loudest and 1 the quietest), easy polyrhythms by subdividing the bar into however many beats you specify (e.g. “x–x–x–x–” will play a 3/4 beat on one line, while “xxxx” is a four-on the floor kick). It also supports nesting subdivisions, a la Tidal Cycles, so “x[x[xx]]” gives the equivalent of “hqee”.
Lots to explore here.
To quote from the readme.md:
Yummyfillings.rb is a collection of ruby methods to make life easier when making music with Sonic Pi.
Load it using eval_file (e.g,: eval_file “E:/Yummy/YummyFillings.rb” )
at the top of the buffer.
There are methods providing envelopes, lfos, trancegates, stutter effects, arpeggiation, transposition of samples,
orchestration of multiple voices, swinging rhythms, euclidean rhythms, etc.
There are also utilities and testing methods to make programming simpler and more readable.
Methods grouped by purpose
Music performance
Method Name
plays a given chord/scale/array/ring in sequence, with the timing you specify
play multiple musical voices, each with their own rhythm, melody, etc.
plays a given synth/sample in a randomly generated funky rhythm
play melodies in a scale by specifying scale degrees
simplified wrapper for arrange, plays one instrument line. Threaded by default.
strums the chord passed in. Convenience wrapper for arpeggiate.
plays a sample, chopping it up and stuttering/reversing sections.
transposes a sample, hiding the nasty math involved in pitch_stretch and rpitch.
Sound manipulation
Method Name
apply an envelope to any sliding param for any synth or sample.
apply an lfo/mseg to any sliding param for any synth or sample.
apply a polyrhythmic trancegate to any synth or sample.
Melody/rhythm manipulation
Method Name
converts drum notation (“x—x—x—x—”) to note-type notation (“q,q,q,q”).
converts notation (“q”) to time duration (1.0).
converts a sequence of notation (“q, dq, dq”) to an array of time durations [1, 1.5, 1.5].
converts scale degrees to absolute notes.
applies euclidean rhythms to generate metrical sequence, in notation ([1.5, 1.5, 1]). Convenience wrapper for spreadtobeats.
generates a random funky rhythm, returned as an array of times.
applies a random amount of humanization to a given time array.
turns a spread into notation for rhythm. Euclidiate wraps this in a friendlier interface.
generates tuples of any time amount. Returns notation if possible.
Array/hash/ring manipulation
Method Name
converts an argument string (“amp: 2, cutoff: 60”) to a hash.
converts an argument hash ({amp: 2, cutoff: 60}) to a string.
converts a hash of arrays to an array of hashes.
turns a chord or scale into a flat array.
transforms an array of arrays, pivoting rows to columns and padding short arrays by repeating values.
transforms an array of arrays, pivoting rows to columns, but padding short arrays with nils.
set arguments in an argument hash.
if argument values are specified as arrays, will tick through individual values on consecutive calls.
strips trailing nils from an array. Useful with rowstocolumns.
Tests and comparisons
Method Name
test for values that are kinda false, e.g., “”, empty array, 0, etc.
tests whether one number is evenly divisible by another.
tests for approximate equality. Useful for comparing floats, e.g. triplets.
tests whether a value is an array, hash or ring.
same as listorring
returns the bpm of a given sample.
same as listorring
Method Name
prints anything to stdout, optionally logging to a file, optionally expanding arrays and hashes.
used to support passing named parameters to methods.
used to strip parameters from kwargs that match method params. Useful for collecting params to pass to methods like play or sample.
print help info to stdout for methods herein.
wrapper for yummyhelp
I’d love to hear feedback. I hope y’all find these things useful. If you run into any bugs, please hit me up and I’ll fix it asap. I’ve done a bunch of testing – I’ve worked on this for months – but no doubt I have blind spots.
Wow, this must have been an enormous amount of work, thank you! I’ve been wondering about some of the Ruby methods people are using, x-x-x- etc and v interested in arpeggiation and transposing samples.
I’ve downloaded, using eval + amended path, is playing notes, have tried with egs (these are very useful) from the read.me but getting a runtime error referencing a directory which looks to be on your system? I’m new to Ruby so may be doing something basic wrong, sorry! Is it OK to post q’s here, or do you prefer we send somewhere else? Thank you.
Yikes! Sorry about that!
It’s probably the logfile path in debugprint. Just open YummyFillings.rb in a text editor (too big for sonic pi’s editor), search for “define :debugprint”, and you’ll see an argument that is logfile. Change it to a path that points to something on your system. Or, just set logtofile to false.
If that doesn’t fix it, please post the code & the error message.
Hurray! Thank you - removing that line has worked and I’ve had a quick play. It will need a lot more playing, there’s so much in there - have had fun with arpeggiate, and transposesample is something else! Being able to pitchshift and put relative pitches into an array is fantastic (plus duration), means you can easily make melodic sequences from samples. I’ve tried this a bit in other ways, but have v limited skills and this makes it easier.
Aside: have been playing with moog Werkstatt and through that, getting into :mod_pulse and :mod_range (relative intervals) as a way to do polyphony with monophonic sound source (oscillator or recorder sample). Arpeggiate and transposesample are great for this.
Will no doubt be back with more q’s! Thank you for super festive pressie for the Sonic Pi community.
PS your examples in the READ.ME are very useful as a starting-point for Ruby-new people. Here’s my wee transposesample. The SonicPi guitar works really well.
PS the 2nd array, for anyone trying this, is 0= tonic, 5 = +5 semitones, +7 semitones etc
live_loop :pitchshift do
mysample = :guit_em9
[60, 120, 60].each do | thisbpm |
[0, 5, 7,5].each do | thispitch |
use_bpm thisbpm
transposesample mysample, 8, thispitch
sleep 4
sleep 1
I’m glad it’s working for you. I love your example.
I’ve tweaked it a bit, by adding some variables to allow more musical language, and to use samplebpm to synchronize to the sample: