Windows 10 - No Midi Output

For the life of me, I can’t figure out why I’m not getting any midi output on Windows 10. I’ve even set up rtpMidi and Abelton will receive midi from Sonic PI on my Mac, but on the local instance of Sonic Pi it doesn’t work at all for some reason. Any suggestions?

I may have an answer, in which case this is a bug report - it looks like unless a specify a port for every single midi call, it causes all midi output to be muted - or it’s being redirected just to the MS wavetable synth (I’m not sure which).

I think you need to install a program like LoopMidi
Use this to create a virtual port. This should then appear in the list of ports available to Sonic Pi on the IO prefs screen. More to the point, it should also appear in the list of available midi ports on the synth device you are using (I tested it using the HELM synth. )
I selected this port for connection in Helm, and in Sonic Pi set the midi port using
use_midi_defaults port: “loopmidi_port” (Note you can give it an alternative name when you create it if you wish)
You can test with a program such as

use_midi_defaults port: "loopmidi_port" #use whatever appears in IO midi list
live_loop :test midi
  midi scale(:c4,:major).tick,sustain: 0.1,vel_f: 0.8
  sleep 0.1

Tested on Windows 10 with Sonic PI 3.1 install

Hi Robin,

I have already created a virtual midi port, but I did not know about use_midi_defaults which I think is going to solve a lot of my problems.

Thank you,
