Hi all
- I wish to be able to choose to disable the “run code” popup in Atom, so the visuals look more clean. I’m using Sunsetting Atom | The GitHub Blog
- I wish that the ll+TAB would work in Atom since I use it so much.
- Are there a similar shourtcut for “with_fx” in Sonic Pi or Atom?
Kind regards
Late night practice session with Sonic Pi and images in Hydra
# 220519 2330 Late night practice session with Sonic Pi and images in Hydra
# My performance https://youtu.be/KxnoLALQTy8
# --- MIXER --- 0 STOP 1 PLAY ------#
# A B C D
piano = 1 # 1 1 1 0
bass = 1 # 1 1 1 2 # bassriff 1-2 (2 needs more work)
synth_top = 1 # 0 0 1 0 _-^-_
drums = 1 # 0 1 1 1
# ----------------------------------#
live_loop :time, delay: 0.01 do
sleep 1
with_fx :reverb, room: 0.8 do
live_loop :piano1, sync: :time do
stop if piano <1
case piano
when 1
synth :piano, note: :c2, vel: rrand(0.01,0.3), release: rrand(0.2,1), pan: -0.7 if spread(1,7).tick()
synth :piano, note: :c4, vel: rrand(0.01,0.3), release: rrand(0.1,1), pan: 0.7 if spread(2,7).tick()
synth :piano, note: :ds4, vel: rrand(0.01,0.3), release: rrand(0.1,1), pan: 0 if spread(3,7).tick()
synth :piano, note: :g4, vel: rrand(0.01,0.3), release: rrand(0.1,1), pan: 0 if spread(4,7).tick() and one_in(4)
sleep 0.25
when 2
#synth :piano, play_chord [:c2, :c4], vel: rrand(0.01,0.3), release: rrand(0.2,1), pan: -0.7 if spread(5,7).tick()
#synth :piano, note: :c4, vel: rrand(0.01,0.3), release: rrand(0.1,1), pan: 0.7 if spread(5,7).tick()
synth :piano, note: :ds4, vel: rrand(0.01,0.3), release: rrand(0.1,1), pan: 0 if spread(5,7).tick()
synth :piano, note: :g4, vel: rrand(0.01,0.3), release: rrand(0.1,1), pan: 0 if spread(2,7).tick() #and one_in(4)
sleep 0.25
live_loop :bass1, sync: :time do
stop if bass <1
case bass
when 1
notes= (knit :g2, 12, :gs2, 12, :f2, 6, :f1, 6, :g2, 12)
synth :saw, cutoff: range(70,120,step: 1).reflect.tick(:r), note: notes.tick, release: 0.25 if spread(3,7).tick(:b)
when 2
notes= (knit :ds1, 12, :g1, 6, :g1, 6, :gs1, 6) # needs more work
notes= (knit :g1, 12, nil, 12+6) # needs more work
synth :saw, cutoff: range(70,120,step: 1).reflect.tick(:r), note: notes.tick(), release: 0.25, amp: 2 if spread(5,7).tick(:b)
sleep 0.25
live_loop :synthmelody1, sync: :time do
stop if synth_top <1
a = range(0.0,0.7,step: 0.02).reflect.tick(:a1)
notes= (knit :g5, 64, :c5, 64)
# :dsaw :tri
synth :dsaw, cutoff: range(70,120,step: 1).reflect.tick(:r), note: notes.tick(:n1), release: 0.1, amp: a
sleep 0.25
live_loop :drums, sync: :time do
stop if drums <1
a = range(0.1,0.5,step: 0.02).reflect.tick(:a2)
sample :bd_haus, cutoff: 80, amp: 2
# OSC on kick
sleep 0.5
sample :bd_haus, cutoff: 80, amp: 2 if one_in(2)
sleep 0.5
synth :gnoise, note: :c3, amp: a, res: rrand(0.1,0.9), release: 0.25
# OSC on snare
sleep 1
end # end reverb