Hi everyone, first post here and a newbie to Sonic Pi but not new to music production, programming, and composition.
Inspiration sometimes eludes me so I built a quick melody generator to get the juices flowing. I know that there is quite a bit of great work already on the boards here regarding melody generation but I figured I’d throw in my hat as well.
# Piano Theme Generator
# Generator drivers
use_random_seed 4137001 # Random seed changes everything
use_bpm 90 # Set your bpm to taste
use_synth :piano
PATTERN_REPEAT_CHANCE = 0.2 # Chance of a rhythm division repeating within the rhythm
REST_CHANCE = 0.2 # Chance of a rest being selected in a melody
ROOT = :g5
MODE = :locrian
# Creates notes and durations given a scale, beats, units and the largest beat.
# Return array is an array of note, duration pairs
define :melodyPatternMaker do |myScale, beats, units, largestBeat|
pattern = make_rhythm_pattern(beats, units, largestBeat)
melody = create_melody(myScale, pattern.length)
return melody.zip(pattern)
# Pattern division constants
# 4 whole note
# 3 dotted half note
# 2 half note
# 1.5 dotted quarter note
# 1 quarter note
# 0.75 dotted eight note
# 0.5 eight note
# 0.375 dotted sixteenth note
# 0.25 sixteenth note
ALL_PATTERN_BEAT_DIVISIONS = [4, 3, 2, 1.5, 1, 0.75, 0.5, 0.375, 0.25]
# Returns a random beat pattern less than or equal to the time division passed in
define :pickRandomPatternLessThanEqualTo do |lessThanTime|
chosenDuration = ALL_PATTERN_BEAT_DIVISIONS.choose
if chosenDuration > lessThanTime
chosenDuration = lessThanTime
return chosenDuration
# Function that makes a rhythm pattern of various durations
# Beats define the number of beats in the pattern
# Unit defines the unit of beat (just like a time signature)
# Low limit defines the lower limit of the beat division to be used - pass 1 for quarter notes and so on...
define :make_rhythm_pattern do |beats, unit, low_limit|
# Empty result for the
result = []
# The total time in beats we need to fill
total_time = 4 * beats / unit
# Select the first duration
#chosenDuration = ALL_PATTERN_BEAT_DIVISIONS.choose
chosenDuration = pickRandomPatternLessThanEqualTo(low_limit)
result.push chosenDuration
total_time -= chosenDuration
# While we have time left
while total_time > 0
# If we have enough remaining time to cover the same chosen duration
if total_time >= chosenDuration && rand() < PATTERN_REPEAT_CHANCE
result.push chosenDuration
total_time -= chosenDuration
chosenDuration = pickRandomPatternLessThanEqualTo([total_time, low_limit].min)
result.push chosenDuration
total_time -= chosenDuration
end # end chosenDuration if
end # end while
# Return the resultant array of durations
return result
end #end function
# Creates a random melody from a scale of length
define :create_melody do |theScale, length|
myNotes = []
for i in 0...length
if rand() < REST_CHANCE
myNotes.push :r
myNotes.push theScale.choose
return myNotes
define :playPattern do |pattern|
for i in 0...pattern.length
play pattern[i][0], sustain: pattern[i][1]
sleep pattern[i][1]
# Click for reference
live_loop :click do
loop do
sample :perc_snap
sleep 1
3.times do
sample :perc_snap2, amp: 0.25
sleep 1
# High piano does a 4 bar pattern
live_loop :pianoHigh do
highPiano8 = melodyPatternMaker(scale(ROOT, MODE, num_octaves: 1.5), 16, 4, 4)
puts "High Piano" + highPiano8.to_s
with_fx :reverb, room: 0.8 do
loop do
# Lower piano does a 2 bar pattern
live_loop :pianoLow do
lowPiano4 = melodyPatternMaker(scale(ROOT - 24, MODE, num_octaves: 1.5), 8, 4, 4)
puts "Low Piano" + lowPiano4.to_s
with_fx :reverb do
loop do
Feedback, comments, suggestions welcome.