beta 6 installs and works fine on my windows 10 machine. Do you see anything in the logs?
I installed from github (I guess 3.3 beta 6) on a couple of Linux machines. Both were successful.
A Raspberry Pi 4 running RaspiOS aarch64 beta.
OS: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) aarch64
Host: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4
Kernel: 5.10.5-v8+
A Xubuntu 20.10 amd64
OS: Xubuntu 20.10 x86_64
Host: NUC8i5BEH
Kernel: 5.8.0-38-generic
The only thing I need to change from the instructions was the following line:
./ --build-aubio
edit: I ran qjackctl to set my output.
Now I have 1.1Gb of data in the sonic-pi directory.
What files can be deleted and what is needed to run the program?
Is there an install command?
Is there a guide to create a deb file for sonic-pi?
This beta6 works fine for me. I notice that i’ve missed some translations parts… give me the day @sam and i will correct this for the release.
by the way midi is now working as expected, the beta5 midi issue is fixed thanks for that
Hi Leggazoid and welcome. As you say the new install system on the latest beta 6 runs well on linux. As regards your specifics.
1 aubio. You can use the package libaubio5 but you need at present to link in the library file.
dpkg -L libaubiio5 will give you location of You can then put a soft link into
/app/server/native/lib/ replacing the one generated internally by the --build-aubio flag. Advantages are a quicker and smaller build. (the soft link file should be named
- There is a ruby file prune.rb in the qt folder which can strip out unnecessary bits in the ruby vendor folder. You have to change a variable rehearse inside it from true to false to enable toe deletions as it has the potential to do damage! Other than that you need to keep:
the etc folder and all within
the app/server folder and all within
app/build/gui/qt/sonic-pi (this is the executable)
app/gui/qt/theme and all within.
(I would work on a copy of the structure the first time you do a reduction rather than your main build)
That gives about 155Mb of files (193Mb on my ssd drive)
- As regards deb, I will build a binary deb for Raspberry Pi OS (32 bit) and there has been some work on producing a full db for version 3.2.2 but there are major changes in layout for this impending release, so one doesn’t exist at the moment. If you want (and are able ) to help with a full deb you would be very welcome.
Incidentally the Rasberry Pi version is configured to work with pulse audio. The file affected is scsynthexternal.rb.
Generally for Linux you are expected to configure using qjackctl dependent on your sound cards.
Hope the above is helpful to you.
Hi @sam
I try to finish the french version.
i can’t find the terms corresponding to this zone
and this zone
Can you, you or others, tell me if this button labels can be translated ? i’ve got a doubt
Hi @nlb, the buttons are images and can’t be translated sorry.
Ok no problem. If you have the original file I may be able to create a French version. It’s up to you
Hello Robin,
Thank you for the info.
I think I can strip out my install directory with the detailed instructions you have so kindly provided.
I will work with a backup to avoid problems as you mentioned.
I am not sure I can produce a deb file on my own, I’ll make no promises about that one.
Thanks again for your helpful post.
I’ve got this beta working on my M1 MacBook Pro, but one thing I notices is that OSC doesn’t seem to work. It receives the packets from a sender but there’s no sound be produced. Also, I noticed the port has been changed to 4560.
Hello @Peachy When you say ‘this beta’, which one do you mean? beta-5 or beta-6?
It might be worth opening an issue on GitHub, and pasting there a short example of the code you are trying to execute. If necessary, we may also ask to see information from the logs there also.
This is with beta-5.
Sure. Two things: 1) an issue on GitHub would help us to see if your Sonic Pi syntax is correct, (as the port has been 4560 for a little while now, so it’s possible you’re using a style of Sonic Pi syntax for OSC communication that is slightly outdated) and 2) there is a beta-6, since with beta-5 there were a few issues with running a signed/notarised app on MacOS and also related to the new MIDI subsystem - though it’s possible you were not yet directly affected by these things. You may like to try beta-6 anyway
Thanks. Downloading beta-6 now. I’ve posted the issue on GitHub. FWIW, it still works fine in Sonic Pi 3.1 in Raspian on a Raspberry Pi. I am using Processing and the oscP5 library to send MIDI note values to Sonic Pi. It’s a very simple code in SP that is this:
live_loop :listen do
note = sync “/osc/play_this”
puts note
play note[0]
OSC not working in this beta-6, either
Have replied on GitHub
Thanks. I will test this in the morning. Going to bed…
with the newer syntax for receiving osc cues you would need to use note = sync “/osc*/play_this”
also, osc cues from OSCp5libarary should be addressed to port 4560
It’s also important to point out that v3.1 of Sonic Pi is 3 years old now, so the “old” syntax is pretty old!
Opened an issue over there. Nothing in gui.log. I have not tried any of the other betas, and last working version of SP was what I used for a preso in June. It was up to date then, but I’m afraid I don’t remember and don’t have it installed any more.
Did you specifically uninstall your previous version of sonic pi as the beta should install side by side with the last main release.
You can find older releases here: Releases · sonic-pi-net/sonic-pi · GitHub