Sequencer based on short fragments - controlling parameters via midi?

I made up a sequencer based on the repetition of little melodic fragments within a euklidean rhythmic framework.
Works fine, but would be much better if I was able to alter the diverse parameters via a midi controller. Unfortunately, I was not able to work that out by myself, so any help is highly appreciated!

Also, have fun with the sequencer! I hope it is self explanatory - if not, don´t hesitate to ask :slight_smile:

#PatternTriggerSequencer euklidian

use_bpm 120

define :untergrenze do
  untergrenze = 60

define :obergrenze do
  obergrenze = 72

in_thread(name: :pitches) do
  use_random_seed 3
  A = rrand(untergrenze, obergrenze)
  B = rrand(untergrenze, obergrenze)
  C = rrand(untergrenze, obergrenze)
  D = rrand(untergrenze, obergrenze)
  E = rrand(untergrenze, obergrenze)

define :n do
  n = 16

live_loop :patterncues1 do
  cue :zammm if (spread 6, n).tick
  sleep 0.5

live_loop :patterncues2 do
  cue :pammm if (spread 5, n).tick
  sleep 0.5

#choosing pitches
in_thread(name: :chose1) do
  use_random_seed 2
  set :pitch1a, [A, B, C, D, E].pick(1)
  set :pitch2a, [A, B, C, D, E].pick(1)
  set :pitch3a, [A, B, C, D, E].pick(1)

#choosing pitches
in_thread(name: :chose2) do
  use_random_seed 3
  set :pitch1b, [A, B, C, D, E].pick(1)
  set :pitch2b, [A, B, C, D, E].pick(1)

#choosing interonset intervalls
in_thread(name: :chose_interonset1) do
  use_random_seed 3
  X_a = rrand(0.2, 0.75)
  X_aq = quantise(X_a, 0.25)
  Y_a = rrand(0.5, 0.75)
  Y_aq = quantise(Y_a, 0.25)

in_thread(name: :chose_interonset2) do
  use_random_seed 1
  X_b = rrand(0.2, 0.75)
  X_bq = quantise(X_b, 0.25)
  Y_b = rrand(0.5, 0.75)
  Y_bq = quantise(Y_b, 0.25)

live_loop :pattern_one do
  sync :zammm
  play get[:pitch1a], sustain: 0, release: 0.2, pan: 0.3
  sleep   X_aq
  play get[:pitch2a], sustain: 0, release: 0.2, pan: 0.3
  sleep Y_aq

live_loop :pattern_two do
  sync :pammm
  play get[:pitch1b], sustain: 0, release: 0.2, pan: -0.3
  sleep  X_bq
  play get[:pitch2b], sustain: 0, release: 0.2, pan: -0.3
  sleep Y_bq
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My last thread contains some simple code to control an fx via a midi device (such as a keyboard with knobs). Maybe you want to have a look at the code, and if you don’t get it to run, I’m happy to further assist.

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Hey Benjamin,
thanks! I´ll have a look!

I managed to adapt your example to control the frequency of a repeated note:

live_loop :controller do
  control_num,val = sync "/midi/arturia_beatstep_pro_arturia_beatsteppro/2/1/control_change"
  set :pitch, (val)

live_loop :play do
  play get(:pitch), sustain: 0, decay: 0.1, release: 0.09
  sleep 0.25


However, how to distinguish between different controllers?
Would be great to also control the sleep time, for example. Sonic Pi assigns different numbers to the different controllers of the Beatstep, but I don´t know how to practically make this work out in code.

Example for controlling sleep time:

live_loop :controller do
  control_num,val = sync "/midi/arturia_beatstep_pro_arturia_beatsteppro/2/1/control_change"
  set :slp, (val)

live_loop :play do
  play rrand(60, 72), sustain: 0, decay: 0.01, release: 0.09
  sleep ((get(:slp)*0.01) + 0.01)

How to combine both? How to include the first number in the square brackets which indicates the specific controller knob that is used for a single parameter?

The midi messages sends the control number and then the value. The control_num holds the number of the triggering controller. You should be able to follow this by a series of if statements to adjust different parameters.
e.g. something like

live_loop :controller do
  control_num,val = sync "/midi/arturia_beatstep_pro_arturia_beatsteppro/2/1/control_change"

set :pitch, val  if control_num==23 #actual num depends on your controller
set :sleep_time, val if control_num==24 #num depends on controller

live_loop :play do
  play get(:pitch), sustain: 0, decay: 0.1, release: 0.09
  sleep get(:sleep_time)*<scalefactor>#scale to get suitable range

NB you should set default values for :pitch and :sleep_time as they will not be set initially until you change a control
set :pitch,80
set :sleep_time,0.25 at start of program

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Hey Robin,
thanks a lot! Now this basic example works :slight_smile:

set :pitch,60
set :sleep_time,0.5

live_loop :controller do
  control_num,val = sync "/midi/arturia_beatstep_pro_arturia_beatsteppro/2/1/control_change"
  set :pitch, val  if control_num==16
  set :sleep_time, val if control_num==17

live_loop :play do
  play get(:pitch), sustain: 0, decay: 0.1, release: 0.09
  sleep get(:sleep_time)*0.01 + 0.1#+0.1 added to prevent 0 sleep time when controler value is zero