Rocking out at CodingCup 2018 - Germany, 2017/2018

Are you or do you know a pupil in Germany between the ages of 8 and 16?

Let them know about CodingCup 2018 which invites creative coding projects within 3 distinct categories:

  • Coding
  • Making
  • Rocking

Where the Rocking category specifically mentions live coding sessions with Sonic Pi :slight_smile:

It starts on October 6, 2017 and ends on April 29, 2018 . You can sign up for the competition by the 30th of November and apply for a starter package for support in your category.

The deadline for submission of projects is 31 March 2018 . The winners will be announced on 29 April.

The prize is participation in the three-day Code your Life Summer Camp in June 2018 in Berlin, including a visit to the Microsoft Office and the German Bundestag.

Please get involved and let us know here in in_thread if we can help in any way…