"puts" not putting

I’ve been having an issue with puts in sonic pi. When I use puts in an empty cell, it works, but not in other cells. I have updated sonic pi, my mac, and have restarted both of them. Has anyone else had this problem?

Not clear where you are using puts and it’s not working. Only puts in your program image on the screen is puts “hi” which is working.

However there are some limitations
For example

#this will work
10.times do |i|
  puts i,s

will work
however if you make the strings too long it will not print anything. This is because there is no time for strings to be created and added to log

#this doesn't work
100.times do |i|
  puts i,s

however if you had some time delay it will work in this case

#this does work
1000.times do |i|
  puts i,s
sleep 0.01

If the string lengths get too long it will also stop

If you can give more information on the program that isn’t working I can look further at this.