Hello! Just for fun, a kind of boulez piece of piano composed in a “pseudo” dodecaphonic way. In fact, I do exactly the contrary oh this dodecaphonic music where each note is defined by a strict mathematic way of composing music: the serie (is it the right word in english? ):
Each note of this modest piece of music is generated by chance as well as different parameters. It’s the paradox of course of this dodecaphonic (with Boulez or Webern for instance) music to give the impression of being written at random!
use_bpm 80
#right hand
a =rrand(0.1, 1)
b =rrand(0.1, 4)
with_fx :reverb, mix: 0.8 do
use_synth :piano
live_loop :randy do
play rrand_i(30, 100), attack: 0.01, release: b, amp: 1.5
sleep rrand(0.075, 2)
#left hand
use_synth :piano
live_loop :randy2 do
play rrand_i(20, 100),attack: a, release: b
play rrand_i(20, 100),attack: a, release: b
play rrand_i(20, 100),attack: a, release: b
sleep rrand(0.125, 2)