I will do a workshop with schoolkids in may, making music with Sonic Pi. The teacher suggested the material should have a connection to classical music so I decided to build a “Polyphony Machine” - a code that generates a fabric of different yet related voices familiar from classical compositions. This is not an elaborate emulation of a specific period style but a demonstration of different techniques used to derive diverse voices from limited melodic and rhythmic material.
Also, this is not the starting point, but rather the perspective of the workshop, I guess I will introduce all the included techniques isolated for clarity.
One inspiration for this approach was the fugue machine app: Fugue Machine | Alexandernaut
I will probably try to combine this with with @amiika´s great stuff on self-similar melodies:
Any ideas and comments are very welcome!
#Polyphony Machine with comments
Bpm = 80 #tempo of the music in beats per minute; change it!
#First we define the basic structures, which are used by the "live_loop"s to generate
#the music
Tonleiter = scale(:e4, :harmonic_minor, num_octaves: 2) #Scale - e harmonic minor;
#Try major (":major" or ":ionian"), or, for really different results:
#":major_pentatonic" or ":messiaen1"
Akkord = (ring 0, 2, 4) #Defines the basic chord structure, which may result
#in a major or minor chord, depending on the position in the scale
Rhythmus_arp = (ring 0.25) #Defines the rhythm of the arpeggiated chords,
#in this case continuous sixteenth notes
Melodie = (ring 0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 1) #Defines the six notes of the melody, "0" being the first
#in the scale, and so on
#Try changing them but make sure it´s six of them
Rhythmus_mel = (ring 0.5, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25) #Defines the rhythm of the melody.
#In traditional notation these could be two eight notes and four sixteenth notes
#The transposition moves the chord and the melody to different positions within the scale
live_loop :Transposition do
4.times do
Transposition = (ring 0, 5, 1, 4).tick #Try changing the transpositions!
#If you use a different number than four, for example eight, make sure that
#"8.times do" is in the line above, otherwise not all transpositions will be
sleep 3 #Defines the time to wait until the next transposition
live_loop :Spieler_Melodie do #In this "live_loop" the melody that was defined above
#is actually played
use_synth :piano #Defines the sound in use for this "live_loop"
#if you want to change it, look in the help section for "synths"
use_bpm Bpm #References to the tempo defined above
6.times do #Six repeats to play each of the six melody notes
play Tonleiter[1 * Melodie.tick + Transposition], amp: 1.3, decay: 0.8, sustain: 0.5, release: 0.3
#"play" plays the "Melodie"-pattern; "amp" = amplification,
#"decay", "sustain" & "release" define the sound envelope - try other values!
#turning "amp:" to zero makes this "live_loop" silent
sleep Rhythmus_mel.look * 4 #Here the rhythm is actually exercised;
#By multiplying with four the eights and sixteenth notes become whole and half notes
live_loop :Spieler_Sequenz do #Plays the notes of the "Melodie" in a faster fashion
use_synth :piano
use_bpm Bpm
12.times do # The number of repeats is doubled because the melody is played faster and
#longer due to the use of ".reflect " ".mirror"
play Tonleiter[1 * Melodie.reflect.tick + Transposition] + 12, amp: 0.4, decay: 0.2, sustain: 0.2, release: 0.2
#"+ 12" transposes the Sequence one octave higher
sleep Rhythmus_mel.mirror.look * 1
#By inserting ".reflect" the backwarts variant is added to the melody,
#".mirror" does this to the rhythm in a slightly different way.
#Delete these or interchange them for differing results!
live_loop :Spieler_Arpeggio do #This "live_loop" plays the chord changes
use_synth :piano
use_bpm Bpm
8.times do #Eight repeats result in a specific arpeggio pattern, try other repeats!
play Tonleiter[Akkord.tick + Transposition], amp: 0.5, decay: 0.3, sustain: 0, release: 0.3
sleep Rhythmus_arp.look * 1
live_loop :Spieler_Bass do #Playing the bass, transposed an octave lower by "- 12"
#durch "- 12"
use_synth :piano
use_bpm Bpm
6.times do
play Tonleiter[1 * Melodie.tick + Transposition] - 12, amp: 0.8, decay: 0.2, sustain: 0.2, release: 0.2
sleep Rhythmus_mel.look * 2
#By multiplying with two eight and sixteenth notes become half and quarter notes