I try to play with Orca and Sonic Pi, the latest spi 3.2dev
live_loop :foo1 do use_real_time a = sync "/osc:" puts a end live_loop :foo2 do use_real_time b = sync "/osc/b" puts b end
The foo2 does not work. The less funniest thing is that the port is always changing each time Orca is launched.
A solution ? Cheers
I believe this issue will be resolved in the next release (see here), but in the meantime you can use a ‘*’ in the OSC path, such as a = sync "/osc*/a" so that it matches any ip/port.
a = sync "/osc*/a"
@emlyn thanks a lot !
use_bpm 60 live_loop :foo2 do use_real_time b = sync "/osc*/b" puts b end