I’m currently trying to setup two instances of sonic pi to talk to each other and allow me to run VCV Rack on one machine (running Linux) and Ableton Live on the other (running macOS Sonoma).
My biggest issue is getting everything to start on time.
I originally wanted to use Ableton Link but for one reason or another they both won’t “link” to each other. Both are connected through a gigabit ethernet switch, and both can talk to each other, and weirdly enough my Raspberry Pi 5 and my linux machine can talk to each other with no issues using Ableton Link.
OSC does work, but getting code from my linux machine to start as soon as it receives the OSC message has been frustratingly difficult. There’s this huge delay between the OSC message being received (which I can see in the cues window) and my live loop actually starting, and for the life of me don’t get it. I can change the latency, but it doesn’t really get it anywhere I want it to be.
I don’t know whether I’m just being dumb, but this seems to be a use case people use this for with no problems, and yet I cannot get it to work.
Here’s the code I’m trying (this was a basic test)
#Running on my mac
live_loop :acid do
use_synth :tb303
32.times do
play octs(:C1, 3).tick, release: 0.25, cutoff: 70
sleep 0.25
osc "/hello/world"
#Running on my Linux machine
live_loop :amen, sync: "/osc:" do
3.times do
sample :loop_amen, beat_stretch: 4
sleep 4
16.times do
sample :loop_amen, beat_stretch: 4, onset: pick, release: 0.25, sustain: 0, rate: [-1, 1].choose
sleep 0.25