Hi all
I am planning/compiling a tutorial on live coding for young musicians, and provide a list of topics below. I would very much appreciate comments along the lines of “why not this topic”, “put this topic before that one because. . .” etc. The emphasis will be on real time composition and performance control. I have intentionally omitted the topics MIDI, OSC and Sound In, for the time being.
numbers = notes/pitches
play a sequence
how to repeat (iteration)
4.times do-end
copy simple melodies
write your own
how to use ring().look #.choose
how to use scale() and play chord()
simple arrays, .shuffle, .rotate, :r
.tick, .pick, .look
changing synths
changing play opts (adsr)
changing synth opts (cutoff etc)
variables - loop local, and global
playing drum loop samples
(bpm, sleep, beat stretch, sample duration, rate/rpitch)
composing simple drum loops (simple grids)
playing samples, drag and drop, simple folder access
sample slicing
live loops
changing parms in real time; line ramp and range
methods available to ring and array
rrand, spread, bools, dice, one in()
FX and opts
real time FX control
constrained randomisation
sequencing multiple loops
stop if, tick reset, set-get, delay:
function definition, passing arguments
(helper functions and their use in live coding)