I’ve manged easily to get the sound from the PC’s onboard synth (using coolsoft virtualmidisynth rather than the native microsoft wavetable) to pan left and right - experimenting with various loops.
I would like to change the sound from the default piano to something else - but I can’t seem to find the right CC messages going.
I was working with
midi_cc 0, 0
midi_cc 32 n
For select bank 1 followed by patch no. to no avail.
included this at the start of a piece and can now set up GM midi instrument(s).
there appears to be some time required for the program change to take effect so I’ve just added an arbitrary delay for now with the sleep 2. More investigation needed, but works ok for now for what I’m doing.
may be of interest … simple loop to play thru all the GM instruments on PC
recommend coolsoft’s virtual synth - much better sounds than microsoft’s effort - https://coolsoft.altervista.org/en/virtualmidisynth
simple loop to hear on PC midi instruments
note midi_all_notes_off used per loop to stop
some instruments (e.g. no. 16 drawbar organ) sounding forever
There IS a midi_pc command in the latest version of SP. I added it
I have used it to choose gm instruments from SP. you simply use midi_pc 32. For example
Have a look at the documentation in SP.