In macOS, the sound effect of LibreOffice’s Presentation can be played below, but is it possible to do the same in Windows?
35.times do |i|
sample dir,i
sleep sample_duration dir,i
Also, is it possible to know from Sonic Pi that the number of WAV files in the directory is 35?
I think that folder path ‘drag-n-drop’ is platform-agnostic. If LibreOffice is on your machine it lives in the Program Files folder (? many years since I used Windows). As long as the path exists and is correct. You can query the total number of files in any folder as follows:
samps = "/Users/brendan/Desktop/SONICPI-2024/samps4kevyn/blipz-7/"
names = Dir.children samps
puts names.length, 'files'
sleep 2
names.length.times do |i|
puts names.look
sample samps,i
sleep 0.5
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Thank you very much.
I understand Ruby’s Dir.children.
I do not have Windows at hand.
Could you please tell me the directory where the sound effects for Windows LibreOffice Presentation are located?
Sorry I don’t have Windows, or LibreOffice.
Thank you brendanmac.
Could someone please try this on LibreOffice on Windows?
dir="C:/Program Files/LibreOffice/share/gallery/sounds/"
works on Windows 11 with LibreOffice 7.6
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Another way to get the number of samples:
load_sample dir, lambda {|s| print s.length; s}
dir = "path"
dir.each do |i|
sample i
for i in dir
sample i
both work without knowing the size of dir
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Concision is the gold standard @Davids-Music-Lab
Thank you very much.
The second one did not work with the error
“undefined method `each’ for an instance of String (NoMethodError)”.
It worked when I modified it as follows.
(Dir.children dir).each do |i|
sample dir+i
sleep 0.1
for i in (Dir.children dir)
sample dir+i
sleep 0.1
Should work with this change:
dir = sample_paths "path"