Externel Sample Issue, No sound?

Hi i already ask Reddit for help, here a link.

Hi, i try to use externel Sampels, but i can’t get any sound.

My Pc runs on Windows 10, but i am not the admin of this computer, because i like to have the adim as a Backup.

Maybe is it because of that?

But i dont get any Error and the code runs. No sound. No Equalizer.
everything else runs fine and i get sound.

My Code;

was = “C:\Users\N\Desktop\sampels\mukkeincode\wa_free_drum_tools_01”

loop do

sample was, 2

sleep 1


What happens if you put / in ypur path instead of the anti-slashes \?

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I think @nlb has probably found the problem.

Instead of typing the path manually, you can drag a file or folder onto Sonic Pi and it will enter the path for you and you don’t have to worry about the right kind of slashes or whatever.

You can also use the sample_paths function to have a look at exactly which samples Sonic Pi was able to find, like this: print sample_paths was, 2.

So i had to switch to the Admin Account for this, but on there i can acutely drag and drop the path and its works. thx guys


its was the stupid / direction, thats funny

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