Jumping off point: Resynthesis by Max Cooper
# 230602 2030 Sonic Pi cover of Resynthesis by Max Cooper
# Saved 230602 2030
# Created by linktr.ee/relaxnow
# Original: "Max Cooper - Resynthesis (official video by Kevin McGloughlin)"
# https://youtu.be/Kpm1l0HfkV0
# Amazing visuals from https://www.kevinmcgloughlin.com/world-passing-by
# Found notes and rythme here:
# How to make the keys for the Max Cooper 'Resynthesis'
# youtube.com/watch?v=QZQK7JYCy5w
set_volume! 2
with_fx :reverb, room: 0.7 do
live_loop :a1 do
/ rythme /
p = bools(1,1,0,0, 1,0,1,1, 1,1,0,1, 0,1,1,0,
1,0,0,1, 0,0,1,0, 0,1,0,1, 0,1,1,0)
/ chords progression /
n1 = [:gs2,:c3, :ds3,:fs4]
n2 = [:gs2,:b2, :e3, :gs3, :b3,:fs4, :fs5]
n3 = [:gs2,:cs3, :fs3,:gs4]
n4 = [:e2,:as3, :b3,:fs4]
l = 64
n = knit(n1,l, n2,l, n3,l, n4,l).look
#n = n4
/ synth /
use_synth :saw # (Full sound) :saw :dsaw :dtri :square (thin sound) :blade
c = line(60,100,steps: 32).mirror.look # Synth cutoff
amp = line(-0.5,0.5,steps: 32).mirror.look # volume LFO on amp synth top chords
/ change synth "release" time here for tension effect /
release = 1 #1 original
# release = knit(1,64, 2,16,3,16).look
# release = 3
case release
when 1 # long and smooth (original)
use_synth_defaults cutoff: c, release: [0.16,0.25].choose
when 2 # sometimes short
use_synth_defaults cutoff: c, release: [0.16,0.25].choose-[0,0.05,0.1].choose
when 3 # very short for tension
use_synth_defaults cutoff: c, release: [0.16,0.25].choose-[0.09,0.11].choose
/ change "synthVoices" here to explorer different synths /
synthVoices = knit(5,64, 3,64, 2,64, 6,64, 7,64).look
#synthVoices = 2 #2 #6arp 7arp
case synthVoices
when 0
# No synth chords playing (only bass + drums)
when 1 # "Single" chords
use_synth :saw
play n, amp: 1+amp, pan: rdist(0.25) if p.look
when 2 # "Double up" on chords
use_synth :saw
play n, amp: 1+amp, pan: rdist(0.25) if p.look
play n, amp: 1+amp, pitch: 12, pan: rdist(0.75) if p.look # extra copy to fill out chords sound
when 3
use_synth :dsaw
play n, amp: 1+amp, pan: rdist(0.25) if p.look
play n, amp: 1+amp, pitch: 12, pan: rdist(0.75) if p.look
when 4
use_synth :dtri
play n, amp: 1+amp, pan: rdist(0.25) if p.look
play n, amp: 1+amp, pitch: 12, pan: rdist(0.75) if p.look
when 5
use_synth :saw
play n, amp: 1+amp, pan: rdist(0.25) if p.look
use_synth :square
play n, amp: 1+amp, pitch: 12, pan: rdist(0.75) if p.look
# + ARP
when 6
#when 1 # "Single" chords
use_synth :saw
play n.pick(3), amp: 1+amp, pan: rdist(0.25) if p.look
when 7 # +arp NICE
# when 2 # "Double up" on chords + arp with PICK(3)
use_synth :saw
play n.pick(3), amp: 1+amp, pan: rdist(0.25) if p.look
use_synth :square
play n.look, amp: 0.7+amp, pitch: 12, pan: rdist(0.75) if p.look
/ bass /
bass = n.take(1).look-12 #if spread(1,32).look
#puts note_info(bass) if spread(1,32).look # Which bassnote are playing?
play bass, amp: 1.25 if p.look
/ drums /
d = 64*2
drums = knit(0,d,1,d/2,2,d/4,3,d,4,d*2).look
#drums = 1
#drums = 0
case drums
when 0
when 1
sample :bd_haus, cutoff: 70, amp: 1.5 if bools(1,0,0,0).look
sample :bd_haus, cutoff: 80, amp: 1.75 if (bools(0,0,0,0)*15+bools(0,0,1,0)).look and one_in(2)
when 2
sample :glitch_perc3, beat_stretch: [0.25,0.5, 1,2,4].choose, rate: [2,4].choose, slice: rrand_i(1,10), amp: 2, pan: rdist(0.5) if bools(1).look and one_in(2)
when 3
sample :bd_haus, cutoff: 70, amp: 1.5 if bools(1,0,0,0).look
sample :bd_haus, cutoff: 80, amp: 1.75 if (bools(0,0,0,0)*15+bools(0,0,1,0)).look and one_in(2)
sample :glitch_perc3, beat_stretch: [0.25,0.5, 1,2,4].choose, rate: [2,4].choose, slice: rrand_i(1,10), amp: 2, pan: rdist(0.5) if bools(1).look and one_in(2)
when 4
sample :bd_haus, cutoff: 70, amp: 1.5 if bools(1,0,0,0).look
sample :bd_haus, cutoff: 80, amp: 1.75 if (bools(0,0,0,0)*15+bools(0,0,1,0)).look and one_in(2)
sample :glitch_perc3, beat_stretch: [0.25,0.5, 1,2,4].choose, rate: [2,4].choose, slice: rrand_i(1,10), amp: 2, pan: rdist(0.5) if bools(1).look and one_in(2)
sample :sn_generic, slice: 1, rate: 3, amp: 1.5, pan: rdist(0.75) if bools(0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,).look #and one_in(2)
sample :sn_generic, rate: [1,1.2,1.5].choose, finish: [0.15,0.25].choose, amp: 1.5, pan: rdist(0.75) if bools(0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 1,0,0,0,).look
sleep 0.125