If I had a braincell, it's name would be 'lonely'

So… I’m trying to change bpms of loops, using set and get (like a good little soldier)… but I’m missing
something… perhaps current_bpm always gets the global bpm? Erm… lickle help please.


#Some defaults
default_bpm = 125
set :this_bpm, default_bpm
use_bpm default_bpm

# Various defines controlling how our loops work.
define :set_bpm do |newbpm|
  if newbpm == default_bpm then
    set :this_bpm,  default_bpm
    set :this_bpm, newbpm

define :change_speed do |newspeed, steps|
  if !steps then
    steps = 4
  this_speed = current_bpm
  changes = (line this_speed, newspeed, step: steps, inclusive: true)
  changes.each do |speed|
    set :this_bpm, speed
    sleep 1

live_loop :bar do
  use_bpm get[:this_bpm]
  puts get[:this_bpm]
  sleep 1

live_loop :drum do
  sync :bar
  sample :bd_ada ,amp: 2
  sleep 1

sleep 8
change_speed 300, 10
sleep 16
change_speed 150, 6
sleep 16

Hi @Eli,
I would suggest to use explicit variable fromspeed, like

define :change_speed do |fromspeed, tospeed, steps|
  if !steps then
    steps = 4
  changes = (line fromspeed, tospeed, steps: steps, inclusive: true)
  changes.each do |speed|
    set :this_bpm, speed
    sleep 1

So you do not depend on what bpm which loop is assuming as its bpm.
Then use it like

change_speed 125, 300, 10

(in your code there is also a typo: the parameter to line is steps:)

Cheers, @Nechoj

I think I’ll leave this tomorrow, I’ve just been put on a much stronger corticosteroid,
took my 1st batch about 4 hours ago, and I’m not doing so fine…

Thank you, and goodnight.


All the best for you! :crossed_fingers:

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I think the point you’re missing is that the bpm is thread local, meaning that each thread (or live_loop) has its own bpm. Therefore the use_bpm in the :bar live_loop is only setting the bpm in that thread, but not in the outer scope.

If you also call use_bpm at the same time as you set :this_bpm then it will also be set in the outer scope, and then it will be picked up properly next time you call change_speed.

You might also want to remove the sleep in the :drum live_loop, as I think this is making it miss the next cue so the delay is doubled.

Finally, there is also a typo in your call to the line function, it should be steps: steps instead of step: steps - at the moment that option is being ignored so it is always using 4 steps.

Hope you feel better soon.