Hello, everyone! As the title says, I’m trying to control different sections (intro, verse, chorus, etc.) of the music using live_loops. I’m using set in a specific live_loop to let different live_loops know through get what’s the section and what to play, but when I change the section in the main live_loop everything gets out of sync.
I created a minimal example to show what I’m trying to say. To reproduce my problem, first, let the code as it is, with the line set :_use_arrangement, _section_1
, hit play and listen, the snare will match the note with the highest pitch. Now stop everything, change that line to set :_use_arrangement, _section_2
and hit play, again the snare will match the note with the highest pitch. Now stop everything and change that line back to set :_use_arrangement, _section_1
and hit play, but now, change the line to set :_use_arrangement, _section_2
and hit play again without stopping the code, when the beat return to 1 the music will update to the new section but it will be out of sync and the note with the highest pitch will not match the snare hit. Don’t know if I’m missing something here or my logic is incorrect, anyone have any ideas on how to make everything sync?
# Song Sections
_section_1 = 1
_section_2 = 2
# Tempo
use_bpm 120
live_loop :metronome do
sleep 1
live_loop :maestro, sync: :metronome do
# Time signature 4/4 (apply the changes every 4 beats)
if "x---".ring.tick(:maestro) == "x" then
set :_use_arrangement, _section_1
sleep 1
live_loop :melody, sync: :metronome do
section = get(:_use_arrangement)
use_synth :tech_saws
melodies = {
_section_1 => {
"melody" => (ring :C4, :D4, :Eb4, :F6),
"timing" => (ring 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0)
_section_2 => {
"melody" => (ring :D5, :Eb5, :F5, :G7),
"timing" => (ring 1.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.25)
melody = melodies[section]
note = melody["melody"].tick(:melody_note)
rhythm = melody["timing"].tick(:melody_timing)
play note
sleep rhythm
live_loop :drums, sync: :metronome do
section = get(:_use_arrangement)
drum_patterns = {
_section_1 => {
"kick" => "x-x-x-x--",
"cymbal" => "xxxxxxxxx",
"snare" => "--x---x--",
"timing" => (ring 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25)
_section_2 => {
"kick" => "xx--x-x-xx--",
"cymbal" => "---x-x-x----",
"snare" => "x-----x-----",
"timing" => (ring 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25)
pattern = drum_patterns[section]
rhythm = pattern["timing"].tick(:drum_timing)
sample :drum_heavy_kick if pattern["kick"].ring.tick(:drum_kick) == "x"
sample :drum_cymbal_closed if pattern["cymbal"].ring.tick(:drum_hihat) == "x"
sample :drum_snare_hard if pattern["snare"].ring.tick(:drum_snare) == "x"
sleep rhythm